Well, I finished tillering and shooting in of my BBO. Now the finish.....

I sprayed a coat of Tru-Oil over the entire bow well over a week ago and after 3 days it hadn't dried yet, so I used 0000 steel woold and stripped the entire bow. I figured maybe it was too cool in my back room, or the Tru-Oil itself was cold from sitting on the floor.
I warmed the bow and the Tru-oil and tried again. It looked good, and after a few hours I moved it out to the main dining room and hung it from the ceiling with the ceiling fan running for circulation. Well that was Tuesday!

here we are at Saturday nite, and the oil has dried on the boo and even over the Cocobolo riser!(Mind you I had put 2 coats of superglue over the Coco)

>:(but the Osage belly is still just a wee bit tacky. Too tacky to buff out with steel wool and give another coat!
I had no idea that Osage was this oily, and that's the only answer I can come up with!It's almost as oily as Cocobolo!! I wish I had known that at first. I mayve would have used massey finish or de-greased it better with acetone.
Am I right about this?
