Author Topic: Anyone of you have used palo maria aka santa maria (Calophyllum brasiliense)  (Read 1709 times)

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Offline turmoiler

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Hello friends,

in a hardware store near home they are selling palo maria (Calophyllum brasiliense) for flooring. I touched the wood and I liked it, it's moderate hard and heavy it seems quite resistant and grows straight without knots, its density is about 660 kg/m3, that would be sg about 0'66 . I can buy enough wood for  3-4 bows for $20. I'm sick of very hard hardwoods like ipe, massaranduba or bangkirai, I would like to try something softer. Have anyone used this for bowmaking (or something else) or know this wood?

Thanks in Advance

Offline bubby

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Never heard of it myself but for $20 why not give it a go
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