Author Topic: Part 4 DVD in "The Longbow Series"?  (Read 3623 times)

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Offline igrArcher

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Part 4 DVD in "The Longbow Series"?
« on: April 15, 2015, 10:58:30 pm »
Hello all,

I don't yet have or shoot a warbow, but I have been interested in the history and technology of this fine weapon for much of my life. I have (and regularly enjoy) all three of the really excellent DVDs in "The Longbow Series" featuring Mark Stretton, Richard Tonge and others; when I bought them around 2010, I was told that a "Part 4" was planned, on techniques of shooting. Does anyone know if this DVD is still in the works? I was told that the DVD would be called (something like) "Mark Stretton, Shooting in the Bow".

Thanks in advance for any information,


Offline Ian.

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Re: Part 4 DVD in "The Longbow Series"?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2015, 08:25:33 am »
I doubt it, they all feel out in a big way.
ALways happy to help anyone get into heavy weight archery: