Why this particular one?
Interesting about the modern 32" standard. Seems like that was chosen to flatter rather than give an average.
Some random musings:-
I find I can draw 30-31 but 32" causes me to over stretch and I end up with a nice string bruise on my left pec'. (For the record I'm 5'10")
I think the term "average" is slightly inappropriate as the main groupings centred at about 28" and 31"and there may not actually be any MR arrows at the average (or the mean) length.
I certainly agree that being overly obsessive about a 32" draw is nonsensical. (Mind we are taller these days)
Doubtless the archers would shoot the arrow provided for them but maybe there were bundles of long 'uns and short 'uns to choose from?
I find the idea of a "standard arrow" for warbow flight shooting slightly odd as I can easilly imagine the archers making up (or modifying) their own flight arrows and gambling with each other on the outcome of distance contests.
@ Yeomanbowman Nice article and nice arrows, thanks for posting