Will a drawknife work on it? If not glue it and clamp it. May be use a wood glue?
May be show some more pictures of the stave so we can see the rest of it.
Keep in mind you may need to leave some sapwood on the back to get a bow. Not a problem. In a sapling the sapwood is fairly new and usually sound.
On the last osage bow I made, when I chased a ring I ended up with several splits...actually they were wind shakes. None right through. Not a problem unless they go off the sides and these nearly did.
I removed the worse ones with a dknife. 2 or 3 still remained. I dribbled them with super glue and clamped them. The bow still works and I shot it for 3 years straight.
The hickory bow I just made had several drying cracks which I also superglued. The bow shoots well but I can't speak to longevity yet.
Just offering suggestions of things that have worked for me in the past.
Being a selfbowyer means ya learn how to fix things.

If it breaks, you know what I say.
If you ain't breakin' you ain't makin'!
