I do know that John Strunk made a sapling flatbow from Osage earlier this spring and hunted for elk with it last fall ('07). He even left the sapwood on and didn't even back it. The belly was totally flat and man oh man it was not only gorgeous and unique looking, but it was a flat out smoking fast bow. The sapling could not have been any more than 2" in diameter. I have held that bow, and oh how I would love to have one for myself!

Having said all of that, don't forget that this is John Strunk we're talking about here. That guy could practically make a bow from any piece of wood on the planet, and he has more patience when making bows than anyone I've ever seen. Seriously, glaciers make more moves in a day than John when it comes to crafting bows.

That's why all of his are works of art.
Lastly, JD comes from the same mold as John, so I would also trust his advice just as much. Did you see his thread entitled something like "The are you fricking kidding me this is the most ridiculously crazy and perfect crabapple character selfbow on the planet". If you did, you know that "JD's got some mad skillz yo!".
Hey JD, I don;t remember you giving that bow a name. How about the "Roy Hobbs" or "Kirk Gibson" or the "Wonder Bow"? You know the storyline. Beaten up, broken down, left for dead. No one had any faith in them any more. Yet in the bottom of the 9th, 2 down, the coach calls him in as their last hope. The batter steps up to the plate, or in your case the stave hits the workbench. Hobbled, tired, sore, yet miraculously the stave comes alive and hits the grandslam and the crowd goes nuts; Leaving a legacy that all of us hope one day to leave ourselves. But we'll tell the story of that bow to our kids, and to our kid's kids; aspiring all of us to have the skills and patience to craft such a masterpiece that surely will go down as the "BOC", or "Bow of the Century"...
Either way Rkeltner, please post your results and I'll even donate some cherry bark if you promise to back it and post it!
Good luck! Joe