I've been noticing a few new aches and pains when working on bow stuff recently. In a couple of days I'll be on the downhill slope to 40

I thought it was time I found an easier way to remove the sapwood off of osage staves. I tried using my band saw but I usually get the blade in a bind and ruin it. On some staves I am able to split off the sapwood and a couple of rings, but most of the time I use a draw knife to clean them up. I did some research and decided to try out a chainsaw disc for an angle grinder. Its a Lancelot 14 tooth blade. I ordered it from the big auction site for less than $40 delivered. It arrived today and I tested it out. It took just a few seconds to put it on my angle grinder. You can resharpen it just like a normal chainsaw blade.

It worked great. It ate through the sapwood with ease. I timed myself on a 27" long section of the stave. It was 3"-3.5" wide. I removed the sapwood and enough heartwood to get the worm tunnels out in 3.5 minutes. I'm pretty sure I could clean up an average stave in under 10 minutes. And I won't be feeling it in my shoulders or elbows tomorrow

I looked the stave over and I think I stayed within one thick ring. I'll seal it up and wait to chase a ring on it when I'm ready to make a bow.

I'll be using this outside from now on. It sure throws the shavings everywhere!

When I was looking around at the mess I had made I noticed this gal hanging onto the garage door above my head.