Now't wrong with 72", my side of the pond that's now't

jazzy paint job and a nice even bend, could maybe bend more in the outer half of each limb.
Good shot on the wall, did you sneak up on it?

Two words of advice for a newb' simplicity and patience, master the basics, the rest will come as you solve the problems that present themselves. (No shortage of problems in bow making).
The fancy recurves and flip tips are very pretty, but my 'go to' bow is a plain flatbow or an English longbow. I rarely shoot anything with recurve or flips.
Plenty of things to improve on nubber two, smoother transition from handle to limb (the fade) slimmer lighter tips, better tiller.
Hope you don't mind the critique. To have made a shootable bow is an achievement in itself

(50# is a nice shootable weight... plenty of time to get into the heavy weight stuff once you've earned your stripes... I pulled 100# over the age of 60, just to prove I could... you got plenty of time
