Author Topic: help with black locust  (Read 2135 times)

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Offline wvbowhntr

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help with black locust
« on: October 24, 2014, 06:01:12 pm »
hey guys haven't been around for a while. i haven't built a bow in almost two years, but i got the itch today and pulled out a black locust stave i cut probably three years ago.  still had the bark on so i got my draw knives and went to work but i had a few problems  when taking off the last ring of sapwood i got a tearout that went through the first few rings of heart wood so i had to go down a few more rings.  bit now im having trouble telling were one ring ends and another begins. ive done osage and didn't have a problem but it seems a little harder to tell on bl.  this stave is a little crooked and has a bad twist how does locust heat bend?
As for me and my house we will serve The Lord.  Greg in WV

Offline wizardgoat

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Re: help with black locust
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 06:48:35 pm »
You can see growth rings better in natural light the best. I like to scrape my sides clean sometimes, so I can see the actual layers.
Also, I took me a while to figure this out, work your way UP the stave when your chasing a ring, you have way less or a chance to catch a ring and have a tear out.
I've heard BL bends well with any heat, but that is a pretty huge dog leg!

Offline huisme

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Re: help with black locust
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 11:01:03 pm »
A few scrapes wherever you think you're at is always helpful for finding that early ring. This might help ;)

I've found bl bends very easily with steam and more permanently with dry heat. Really take it slow when dry or it'll take any opportunity to crack. I also just about always heat treat locust.
Black locust. Black locust everywhere.
Mollegabets all day long.
Might as well make them short, save some wood to keep warm.

Offline Badger

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Re: help with black locust
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 11:10:06 pm »
  Some black locust can be very hard to follow, you can feel it a little but not as easily as osage. You really can't go by color because it keeps changing. Use the best light you can get. I have had better luck with artificial light indoors with some I have worked.