Author Topic: Hunt More Pigs  (Read 7601 times)

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Offline Zuma

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2014, 04:48:32 pm »
I guess when it comes to hogs, killing or destroying them depends
 on where you are at, how long the hogs have been there, how big there populations are, what damage they are doing and where they will spread to.
It seems like there is a no win situation going on in the south at present.
If something isn't done these creatures will occupy the entire nation.
I have been hunting the Mobile and Tensaw River deltas for a couple years.
I have seen the problems folks face down there. Also in Florida and Georgia.
Like Kudzu, Snakeheads, Hydrilla, Russian Olive, Pythons, Australian Pine,
stink bugs, killer bees  and many other invasive species, action was slow to
none at all and the problems usually get worse. Thank God the pig is palatable.
Those boars would make good dog and buzzard food. The exception IMO about eat what you kill. I don't eat my mice either. Watch out piggies!
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2014, 11:28:00 pm »

     The Florida game commission, leaves a lot of room for improvement.  They aren't exactly first on the list of good wildlife managers, and protecting habitat. They have done some stupid things, like putting defoliant , on thick vegetation, in an area down here, called "Brown's Farm".  I walked through that area, not long after they had applied the defoliant and later on that day, I had one wicked headache, and just felt lousy, and I didn't feel up to par, for a week or more.  I talked to a guy a year or more later, and told him about it, and he said his friend had walked through it also, and was still having problems.  I asked a wildlife officer, why didn't they just burn it, and he said everyone always has a better way to do things.  He said that they tried to burn it, but it didn't burn well.  I said, why not try it in the summer, when the vegetation is drier, and mostly dead, instead of when everything is green, and living, and wet!  He just repeated, the everyone has a better idea line.  I saw the futility, and just walked away.  They definitely need to open pig hunting every where here, or shoot on sight, here.  You can hunt them year round, but some areas down here they are considered game animals, but in most of the state they are non game animals.  I do love me some wild pig.  But like Eddie said, the boars, are just too rank.  A Friend of mine used to work for the Div. of Forestry, now called Florida Forest Service, and he had a Friend on one of the ranches, who would catch a wild boar, and cut it, and pen it up and feed it for a month or more, and then butcher it, and it was some mighty fine eating.  Think of what they are poisoning the pigs with.  Look at ingredients on ham, and bacon products.  Sodium Nitrate, and Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Erythrobate, etc.  :o :P  None of it is a good idea to eat.  I buy uncured bacon only.  Anyway, the panty wringers, will decry any mass slaughter of the wild pigs, and government will continue to spend mass amounts of money on bad ideas, and limit access to hunters who would gladly pay a small fee to kill all the hogs they can.  But alas, it has always been thus. :( 


Offline 4dog

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2014, 12:25:54 pm »
Its a question of numbers folks....1 sow 3 litters a year...5 to 10 piggies a litter...come to texas and look at the devastation just 20 hogs can do to a property that isnt even texas we got a saying...KAP stands for kill all pigs....all the hunting for em here...aint puttin a dent in em.
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Offline bubby

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2014, 01:00:08 pm »
out here in calif you used to be able to buy a book of tags, can't remember how many tags , for next to nothing, then the powers that be figured out hog hunting was getting to be a big deal, so now it's over $20 a tag, I guess when there's money for the state to make it don't matter if they tear up property
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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2014, 10:37:45 pm »
Buddy of mine is a chopper pilot, and that's his business, guiding hunts from air in his helicopter.  It's mass slaughter in many case, but the pigs just keep showing up in ever greater numbers.
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Offline Zuma

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2014, 11:50:24 pm »
Catch a piggy by the toe.
How long has that sayin been around.
Choppers makin Bacon.
Better than killin folks.
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Offline bubby

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2014, 01:11:02 pm »
Buddy of mine is a chopper pilot, and that's his business, guiding hunts from air in his helicopter.  It's mass slaughter in many case, but the pigs just keep showing up in ever greater numbers.

not legal out west here, one of the game laws I actually agree with
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2014, 12:28:58 am »
I'd like to do it as the pilot with the gun button in my hand. Have a ground crew picking them up. ;D
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline bubby

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2014, 12:41:46 am »
Just mount a 50cal in the jeep like on the rat patrol
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
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Offline 4dog

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2014, 08:38:03 am »
If yall decide to go hunting these varmints keep in mind that occasionally youll run across one in excess of be careful and carry a big enough sidearm...they are omnivorous ..means they eat everything...including you!!   A small can do massive amounts of damage to careful cause i know we dont all have
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Offline mullet

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2014, 04:59:50 pm »
I think I've had more exciting, up close moments with the ones in the 125-150# range with sharp cutters that haven't been worn down yet. Crawling on your belly in thick palmettos blood trailing one can go bad real quick. I just had one of my closets encounters at our last hunt at the Alexacarri Plantation. I thought I had knocked one down real good with a .300 WM, but only broke the front shoulders. When I got there and started to role it over it stood up on it's hind legs and almost bit me in the face and chest. Quick reflexes and almost crapping my pants is the only thing that saved my butt from some nasty ER time.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline stickbender

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2014, 11:23:44 pm »

     Dang, Eddie, carry a stick next time.  Give it a few good pokes. ;)  Oh, boy, that could have been more than a nasty trip to the E.R.!!!!  :o That could have been a closed casket type nasty encounter! :o  Glad you still have your "Ninja" reflexes! ;)  Yepher, even the medium ones can be real nasty, let alone the Snuffy Smith, 250 lb. body builder types!  I know from experience, they can take an awful lot of body damage, and keep on coming, or going!  And some of the hogs in and around Perry, Florida, are huge!  After my encounter with a sow, about 110 lb.s or so, which after having been shot through the heart, liver, and part of the lungs, with a 158 grain, semi jacketed hollow point, .357 magnum round, she took off like I had shot in the air!  I fired another two shots, at her as she was running, and one round hit her in the right front leg, shed the jacket, and penetrated, and almost passed through the left front leg, and it wasn't till she ran towards my Buddy, that he put her down with a couple loads of 000, that she died. I now carry a .44 magnum!  I once had a .454 Casull, but sold it. A day later, a young guy in a short bed Ford, pulled up to camp to see if we wanted to buy a hog.  Must have thought we were tourist, I guess.  It was a HUGE :o nasty Boar hog, that would have made a nice wall mount.  It looked like a body builder.  It sloped down from the huge shoulders, to a very slim waist, and very large and very muscular hams.  The front shoulders looked like the normal hams in the store, except you could see each individual muscle. It was the "Arnie" of the pig world. It looked like the pig in the Snuffy Smith cartoons in the Sunday paper. We told him thanks, but no thanks!  The day I shot the sow, some Friends of the group I was hunting with, had an encounter with a BIG hog, and the dogs cornered it on a small hammock in the swamp, and he said you could hear his jaws snaping, like someone was smacking two boards together!  He said the dogs came back to him, and left the hog alone.  He said he left with the dogs.  I said, why didn't you go shoot it, you've got the 12 gauge 3"inch magnum with triple ought?  He said if the dogs leave he leaves! After seeing what a 110lb. sow can take, I can understand his leaving, if the dogs leave.  I know people down here who hunt at night with a light, and dogs, and a sharp knife, No thanks, just might run into Snuffy's nemesis. :o ;)  I think Eddies got the right idea, with a jeep with a brush guard! ;)


Offline Pat B

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Re: Hunt More Pigs
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2014, 12:40:03 am »
I watched a show on TV last night about another "Hogzilla" in Eastern NC. This thing was killing and eating deer, calves and reeking havoc on the farmland. The hunter in the story hunted this "HOG" for over 2 years with lots of scouting, plotting on online mapping and feet on the ground. He hunter(rifle) only at night an had baited(legal) with corn in areas where he had trail cam sightings. He started with a green light for night shooting but the hog detected it. He then went to red lights, again detected. Finally he went out with an assault rifle, .308 with night vision and took the hog in one shot.
 The only scales they had maxed at 500# and he maxed them out. Estimated to have been 600#. All of the meat was prepped for consumption and eaten.
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