Author Topic: update on my shooting  (Read 2987 times)

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Offline jayman448

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update on my shooting
« on: October 30, 2014, 03:31:53 am »
so. tell me how this makes sense. I said how terrible my shooting has been. now I don't wanna jinx it but tonight practice was awesome. leaps and bounds. back to hunt ready. the change? my stance. what change? opening it up! how does that make sense. squairing my hips to the target I cant hit the bag at all. I most consistently pull left. now if I step even farther back with my front foot, more facing the target, my god those arrows hit exactly where I want em! why wouldnd this stance pull more shots left? they have brought em about a foot and a half right at 30 yards and im hitting that paper cup sized dot one in three. and all that "magic pie plate" size now. anyone wanna explain it to me???

Offline Pappy

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Re: update on my shooting
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 08:30:32 am »
Nope ,can't explane that,everyone has to find what works for them,I have to line hip and shoulder with the target,to where my bow arm naturally comes up and is pointing at what I want to hit. if I face the target I have to force my arm over,but that is just me.  ;) :)
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: update on my shooting
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 10:02:19 am »
Maybe just like my golf game, I have to open my stance to not slice badly. Form is really important in archery, and not everyone shoots the same. Just like an anchor point. I shoot the corner of my mouth, when my thumb hits, I release. I have a friend whos anchor point is his ear, he has a super long draw due to it. Be he also shoots with one of those trigger things /spits on ground.  >:D
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Offline jayman448

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Re: update on my shooting
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 11:33:24 am »
haha yea. I have a buddy who cants his while body, like nearly in half, and anchors at his ear too. looks like those south African bushmen. lol. but it works for him somehow

Offline Stoker

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Re: update on my shooting
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 02:11:11 pm »
Everybody has a different ''style''... Go to a 3D shoot and watch the practice line... Glad it's coming together.. A wise man told me long ago.. "Do what works for you.. You don't have to be perfect..Just make the same mistake every time"..
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Offline jayman448

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Re: update on my shooting
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2014, 12:28:54 am »
absolutely! I think this is a hard core case of that XD. time to start makin meat and winnin trophies again lol