Acorns havent really started falling good yet so I had my stand over a couple of persimmon trees that have been dropping fruit. This young buck and another buck came in right after daylight yesterday morning. The other buck was a little bigger but this one gave me a shot oppurtunity I couldnt resist,
Im not that picky anyways. The shot was only about 5 yards and I hit him high in the spine but a quick follow up through the heart finished him off. I was using a 50 pound osage bow that i built a few years ago and some poplar arrows that I made up last summer. These poplar shafts are great,neither one of them was damaged so they are cleaned up and back in the quiver. Had to do the pics by myself so thats why i look so solemn I guess. I just cant hardly make myself smile at a camera when no one is behind it

Thanks for looking