am I correct to say "Yes Spining Arrows to fit the Bow, Arrows need to be a specific spine weight for the bow being used.Lets say if a bow is 40 pounds at 28" the Arrow Spine or shaft would need to be around 40 pound and 28 to 30 inches in leangth, Approx,meaning that the arrow has to have enough flex in it to curve around the bow when shot.
Since the bow string is centered in the middle of the bow and most bows have an arrow rest that does not reach full center, the string when released does not follow a straight path, thus the Arrow and String are Paradoxing like a wave in motion.
When the Arrow/string reaches its release point, the Arrow is not straight and is in a
flexing motion until it reaches it's Target". I tried to explain this to a person I gave a bow and some arrows to, so I would Like to correct myself if i have given mistaken Information, Because I am still hard to understand at times,LOL, Thanks PK