Hmmm, You have pretty good continuous sapwood on the back, so that should be ok.
A lot of the knot may well fall of the edge/belly, and knots on the edge aren't too bad...
It looks to big to remove and allow extra width on the other edge, but if you leave it in you need to make sure it is solid and neither loose nor surrounded by weak manky stuff that can compress and cause a pinch. (Grind a fine point on an old needle file and give it a damn good probing

It looks sound on the belly, but as you work it down you may uncover manky stuff which can always be picked out and then filled with yew dust-epoxy mix. Or if there are fine gaps, it can be flooded with low viscosity superglue
Sometimes it easier to pick out a loose knot early and plug it rather than wait and try to fill half a knot.
The key question is ... is it solid and sound?
You will probably end up with a stiff spot there, but that's better than a pinch (IMO)
You may also find that you have to treat it more than once as you slowly work it down... better to do work twice and be safe, than cut corners and have a break/pinch etc
Dunno if that helps