Author Topic: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!  (Read 9590 times)

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Offline Wooden Spring

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Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« on: August 17, 2014, 02:05:04 pm »
I heard on here before about an old Indian method for hunting a deer, that to hunt a deer, you have to act like a deer....  AND THIS WEEKEND I ACTUALLY DID IT IN NORTH GEORGIA!!!!   It looks cheesy, (I know) but you can't argue with success! 

My wife grabbed the camera because no one would believe us! I got within 15 feet of her before she smelled me and decided she didn't want anything to do with me.  I had been working Saturday afternoon and was really sweaty, and I was wearing just a white t-shirt and jeans, and if I had been wearing more muted colors (and didn't stink) and had been a little more careful coming down the stairs, I am sure I could have gotten closer!!

"Everything that moves shall be food for you..." Genesis 9:3

Offline Knoll

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 09:33:46 pm »
From your post we know SOME of what's gonna happen, but not ALL of what happened.  Fun to watch!  Thanks!!
... alone in distant woods or fields, in unpretending sproutlands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day .... .  I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing & prayer.  Hank Thoreau, 1857

Offline Wooden Spring

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 10:04:34 pm »
From your post we know SOME of what's gonna happen, but not ALL of what happened.  Fun to watch!  Thanks!!

I'll be the FIRST one to tell you that I look ridiculous, but if wearing a fluffy pink tu-tu gets me closer to a deer then I'm gonna do it!!!!
"Everything that moves shall be food for you..." Genesis 9:3

Offline Pat B

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2014, 11:17:05 pm »
You broke your profile as a human and with your tail wag the curious doe thought she'd investigate. I think early in the season it could be effective as long as you are careful. There are lots of nuts out in the woods.   ;)
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 07:52:05 am »
Very cool,but getting close in the summer when they are feeding in your yard and getting a shot in the fall is 2 very different things,good luck with that this season and be sure to let us know how it works out for you.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Wooden Spring

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2014, 08:24:10 am »
"There are lots of nuts out in the woods."
Hey! Being crazy takes a lot of effort! I mean seriously, have you ever tried to crawl down a flight of stairs on all fours??? It ain't easy!  ;)

"Very cool, but getting close in the summer when they are feeding in your yard and getting a shot in the fall is 2 very different things..."
True, I'm sure that hunting pressure makes deer more cautious, but there's two advantages there that I have on my side. First, that property in Blue Ridge, GA backs up to literally thousands of acres of national forest - there's no other hunter there for miles. Next, deer have very poor eyesight (at least by human standards), and hunting pressure doesn't change that. It has been remarked by scientists that deer have a better sense of smell than that of a bloodhound, so if that hurdle can be crossed by some form of scent cover then the largest roadblock to getting close has been crossed.

The next step is to fool their already poor vision:

For that, I see that you've got two choices - complete invisibility (which is the modern method), or to hide in plain sight (which is the old way). Well, I suck at getting invisible, so I'll try this out this year. With full scent cover and getting downwind, as well as wearing khaki carharts in the woods, I think this could work GREAT. (or get me shot if there actually happens to be someone else in there)

Hey, if I can walk towards a deer in plain sight with her watching me the whole time, and then she walks towards me while I stink with sweat and wearing white, then later this year when I actually put effort into this, I think this really could work!

I'll certainly keep everyone posted!   :laugh:
"Everything that moves shall be food for you..." Genesis 9:3

Offline AustinEvans

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2014, 12:47:42 am »
Great video, I enjoyed watching it. I've used this before to get close to deer with my friends one fall day. I had already filled my tags but I just wanted to prove to my buddy that I could get within bow range of a deer in the middle of a field. To my surprise it worked, and it would've been all to easy to shoot that deer. Got within 15 yards. It does work. You have to get their curiosity going, and like you experienced they will help you close the gap once they come to investigate. Good Luck this season. Austin

Offline NimRand

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2014, 06:09:49 am »
Cool. I had somewhat of the same experience when I was stationed at Fort Benning from 86-89. I was walking by a mowed field that had a doe in it and decided to get down on all fours and act like a deer. That doe came half way across the field to within about 40 yards if I can remember correctly. Must be a Georgia deer thing.

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2014, 08:20:17 pm »
i read that deer were easier to hunt ,, before rifles were shot at them,,, maybe so,,
also as stated,, deer that are by your house and used to people ,, are different than wild deer,, yard deer will eat out of your hand etc,,
but on a positive note,, I hope you have great success with your technique,,, crawling to a deer in cactus and rattlers is a hazard in some parts of texas,, but if it works for you I will give it a try,,,,  :)

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2014, 03:38:55 am »
How hard would it be to get from all fours to shooting position and get a shot off with them that close and with their eyes on you, trying to figure out what you are?  Really cool though.  You should try and make a realstic deer tail, or tie a real deer tail around your waist and flip that up and down.

Offline KellyG

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 05:22:39 pm »
Nice to watch, but like others have said it is way differnt with a bow in your hand. I post a video from last saturday where I had a buck that was easy over 150 do about the same and I was in orange and I had the wind in my favor. He would not come closer then about 35yrds.

Offline Wooden Spring

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2014, 10:59:38 am »
Nice to watch, but like others have said it is way differnt with a bow in your hand.

Oh, I'm sure it's a bit different with a bow in your hand. For instance, now you have some fake antlers you can throw up to your forehead to entice them even more. Plus, now when the deer walks to within 15 feet of you, you can actually take him home with you.
"Everything that moves shall be food for you..." Genesis 9:3

Offline IsaacW

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2014, 01:01:02 pm »
Another thing to keep in mind is that doe was mighty curious and hardly took an eye off you.  You are going to need her to look away long enough to get a bow drawn and a good shot taken.  Close is great, but I have had a lot of critters close without being able to get a shot off.

Keep up the fun!

« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 02:39:03 pm by IsaacW »
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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2014, 01:01:48 pm »
Have you ever arrowed a deer Mr Spring?
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Offline Wooden Spring

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Re: Stalking a Deer Indian Style I DID IT!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2014, 03:14:56 pm »
Have you ever arrowed a deer Mr Spring?

Nope. I usually do my hunting with a muzzleloader, and the last 3 deer that I took were within 20 feet. I hunt in the North Georgia woods where the brush is as thick as peanut butter, and if you want meat you have to get close to even see them!

Hunting large fields would be nice, but it's just not possible in many places in Fanin County.
"Everything that moves shall be food for you..." Genesis 9:3