Ah yes, MOJam. Always an inspiration to see old friends, new friends, bowyers and bows. Could not resist a $15 stave that looked to have at least a couple ELB's in it and was 12 years old. Split off the belly, split the face for a total of 3 ELB blanks plus a short second belly split ... number 4.
Then a friend loaned me Laubin's
American Indian Archery which was new for me though I'm sure you all have it on the shelf. Page 59/60 has a set of drawings and specs for a "Martin" design short bow with flipped tips. Had to do one and here is is: 48" NTN 50# @ 23" one piece osage. Arrow is 24" BOP with a head napped by someone else - I think from a nap-in gathering at my place set up by John Bybee 2 years ago. All I can say about if for sure is that the head is modern and not by me. Enough talk, on with the pics