Is there a positive way to identify mullbery verses osage?
I cut wood from a known mullberry tree (has berries hanging). it was a kinda warm orange umber color but seasoning is turning it a kind of orange yellow.
I cut wood from what I thought was a down Osage tree and it was a flourescent yellow, like the osage stave I got from augie and 3 rivers. It is seasoning to a kinda warm yellow.
Now I can't tall the difference in the two logs.

There was a moment when I thought perhaps I didn't have any Osage at all.

How can you tell for certain.
And when it is cut from the log Osage will be bright yellow correct?
Also the suspected osage smells "anticeptic" almost insecticidal ? ?? it has a strong odor. The mullberry just smells like wood. They are are different right?