Thought I would post this bow, seein as how Mr. Rhodes was giggling the whole time since he sent this stave.

It was a very thin, highly triangulated split that was barely 1" wide to start. I got 90% of the splitting tear-outs at the 7/8" wide size so left her at that. No straightening or heat corrections. You can see in the braced pic that there's a couple of whoopty-doos but I tried to just tiller around those, in the full draw you can see that the tiller is not perfectly circular but the bows is drawing smooth and shooting hard so I'm not sure I'm gonna scrape on it anymore.
Here's the stats; 50# @ 26", Osage, 50" ntn, physical weight is 10 1/4 ounces with string and finish applied. The stick averages 7/8" wide but varies up and down the stave to slightly less and some-places 15/16".
I'm posting this now cause Howard is gonna get hacked on this thursday and hope he sees it before that.....good luck with the surgery brother.
Any comments always welcome