Check out a alum tan.
Here;s one: 5lbs salt, not table,
2 lbs alum, I use the same stuff for pickeling when doing small hides
10 gallons water
You'll need to make a lot smaller batch, like 1 quart for the chippy.
Soak your fleshed hide, maybe two to five days, aggitate a couple times a day, I have used plastic 1/2 gallon juice containers w/ lid.
After your done, two three days in this heat, you can soak it for an hour in a borax/water solutution, then as it's drying, work the hide between your fingers, like pintching and pulling w/ poth hands. as it starts to become dry, wipe on some neets foot oil and continue sofening. One totally dry or as soft as you think you can get it, it's done. Not water tolerant though. Keep it dry if possible. I've done a couple of muskrat this way in those 1/2 gal juice jugs.
Just an idea, dp