I've been pondering this one for awhile.
I was making a little peg for my string jig from a yew offcut last night and noticed that when I used a fine file on the heartwood I get quite a smooth "clean" finish, if that makes sense. But sandpaper seemed to clog the wood up and the wood, while smooth, doesn't seem to be as "bright" as it is with the file.
I'm not sure I've used the right words to describe it, but hopefully you'll know what I mean.
So I'm pretty sure you guys use sandpaper prior to applying a finish... shellac, truoil, whatever, but your bows look amazing when you're done. I'm yet to apply a finish to a bow, so I don't know how it will turn out for me, but I was wondering if there's something else you do during that step of the process.
Do you need to clean the wood or use something else to prepare the bow after using sandpaper? Is there some other thing you do before finishing? Does anyone not use sandpaper, if not why?