i know there isnt much love on PA for the hard backed bows but id like to share this one with you guys.
a few months back my wife had bought some pine needle baskets from a man here in town, very will made. well they got to talking and it turns out Paul (the man that makes the baskets) is, or rather, WAS a traditional bow hunter. But do to his severe war related injuries he was no longer able to shoot the draw weight required by Oregon Law to hunt elk or deer.
He continued to talk archery when the subject of a stave was brought about, he claimed he had no idea what kind of wood it was. He knew it wasnt yew, osage, or hickory, but he knew his grandfather would not buy a bow blank that wouldnt make a good bow.
so i agreed to come over to his house and check out the blank.
As it would turn out his grandfather whom he was very close to, bought a lemonwood bow blank back in 1934 and though the blank had a slight lateral warp in one limb, the stave was in excellent condition!
I agreed to finish his grandfathers bow
would have made an excellent self bow, but due to the age of the wood i decided to take the safe route and put some bamboo on it. After all i only had one shot at this bow.
ive read articles about lemonwoon(degame) where its described as an excellent bow wood.
But have also read books where it says "its nothing special"
turns out, its an EXCELLENT bow wood. has the most fruity sweet smell. works like a piece of soap but is still relatively hard and dense. also refuses to take set.
from talking with Paul it sounds like he is going to try and make it out for one last season of elk hunting, carrying this bow. I hope he gets a nice Bull.
what an enjoyable build this bow was. Very good trade.
70" NTN
Western Rattle Snake Skins
Elk leather handle
bison horn nocks

this picture makes me laugh, i caught him right after he had taken his medication

Thanks for looking.