Author Topic: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert  (Read 6903 times)

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Offline DesertDisciple

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Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:44:50 pm »
Hey all!

I wanted to know if anyone who is familiar with the Mojave desert, Lucerne Valley/Yucca Valley area, can tell me what plants to look for for making arrow shafts. I haven't had much luck with google, though I expect mule-fat is the most popular choice. Haven't found much of it around where I live though.

Hope someone can give me a few names to look up and search for,

Best Regards,


Offline Pat B

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 06:41:33 pm »
I'm not familiar with the plants in your area but maybe salt cedar grows around there. It makes a strong, heavy shafting.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline stickbender

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 09:51:25 pm »

     Any Phragmites reeds in your area?


Offline DesertDisciple

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 03:12:50 pm »
Thanks for the replies.

Unfortunately I don't think either of those plants are found here. I've never seen salt cedar before. Phragmites may be used for landscaping in some areas, but not here. I'm sure I could find various canes and things in riparian areas, but those are a drive  8) Hopefully I'll find something that grows here in the flats and foothills. I think I'll make a list when I do.

Thanks again!
Best Regards,


Offline stickbender

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 09:19:31 pm »

     Check with your local Ag agent, and or check with a nursery, and see what grows there.  I know the Mojave natives used some kind of local material, for their bows, and arrows, but don't know what.  I have seen pictures of them with their bows, and arrows.  The arrows looked long.


Offline DesertDisciple

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2014, 05:40:19 am »
I've actually found what I think are phragmites reeds in a neighboring yard. I was able to cut some with permission and it seems like it will make a nice arrow. I straightened a section and cut a nock into it and it flew straight out of my recurve. They're not exactly native, but at least I'll get to shoot. Thanks!

If I may ask, what does an Ag agent do and where would I find them? I've never seen an office or anything in our area. Forgive me, this is just something I'm unfamiliar with. In the meantime, I'll be doing some research on the Serrano tribe and Vanyume tribes, who who were are native residents.

Thanks again all!
Best Regards,


Offline Badger

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2014, 01:40:22 pm »
  You have a guy Ken Villars that lives out by you. He may be able to steer you toward something workable. Ken is in Victorville.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2014, 04:21:53 pm »
  You have a guy Ken Villars that lives out by you. He may be able to steer you toward something workable. Ken is in Victorville.
                     There you go. ;)

An ag, or agriculture agent deals with ranchers, farmers, orchards, nurseries, and helps them with plant and animal problems, and gives suggestions, and answers to their particular field, and home owners, who have questions, on plants, and trees ,and gardening, etc.  Just look up county agriculture agent, or extension agent.  They should be familiar with local, and native plants in your area.  Also, have you googled plants, or native plants in your area? try a google search on early native American, bows and arrows, for your area.  Good luck.  I think the ag agent should be able to help you to at least know what you are looking for.  Also look in the library, or on line for native plant species for your area.  Let us know how your search turns out. :)

Grasshopper Mouse

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2014, 11:26:31 pm »
Ken's actually in Apple Valley. I'm in Lucerne Valley (come on by!).
I don't actually know of any native arrow making materials out here. I've seen arundo cane in yards but I do not think it is native. I'll get in touch with a native material expert I know to see what he says. He's got lots of materials for the southern California area in general but I'll see what he says for our particular spot in the desert.


Offline stickbender

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2014, 06:09:11 pm »

     I just googled the Mojave desert plants, and the weapons of the Mojave Indians.  It said they used the honey mesquite, for food, fire wood, homes, and both for bows and arrows.  Also check out arrow weed, for arrows.


Offline DesertDisciple

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2014, 08:34:06 am »
Thanks all again for the useful information. I will be sure to include any research found in future posts. As an update, we have some perennial sunflower blooming all over the I 215 freeway and I pulled over with the wife and cut some stalks.  She got some flowers out of it so she was happy.  ;D  I saw an atlatl forum and they often use this plant for the darts.

You know I've actually heard of Ken. He's a friend of my father-in-law, so I should introduce myself sometime. Does he frequent this site? I've already checked out his website and have seen that he hosts atlatl workshops. I'm sure materials used for darts can be used for arrow shafts.

@Stickbender - thanks for clarifying that. I'll be sure to look them up when I get a chance. Always see your responses in topics I read. I appreciate your level of activity and taking time to answer questions for newbs.

@Guy - Anytime! PM me to meet up. I see that stuff a lot too and I'm guessing that's what I cut some of the other day. I'd really appreciate a forward of any information from your source.

In the meantime I'll be doing research and looking for mentioned plant species.

Thanks a bunch!

Best Regards,


Grasshopper Mouse

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2014, 02:24:41 pm »
Ken manages the PaleoPlanet forum but so far as I know, he does not visit here on this one.
Typically Ken uses bamboo for atlatl darts. While bamboo makes great arrows it's not in line with your goal of locally used materials.
I've sent a message to my materials guru and as soon as I hear anything I'll post it here.
Life for me is a bit hectic right now but as soon as I know what's happening I'll shoot a message to you.


Grasshopper Mouse

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2014, 08:40:56 pm »
Little update...
We happened to go to the Lucerne Valley library this afternoon. They have a mesquite tree on the grounds. I don't know if it is a honey mesquite or not but for the life of me I couldn't see any arrows in the tree's limbs.


Offline DesertDisciple

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2014, 02:50:32 am »
Guy, here's a picture of one I found while hiking up Silver Creek today,

I had the same thoughts as you. I cannot find a way to cut an arrow out of that, let alone a bow, though i'm sure there are straighter specimens.

Stickbender, I looked up the tree on, which lists lots of native uses for plants in it's database. It mentioned the spines being used as tattoo needles and dart tips, which I can believe after encountering this beastie. Ouch. I will keep my eye out for more of these trees, as this is the only one I've seen.

I've often read that juniper makes a decent bow; we have quite a lot of that (though I wonder if they mean our native California subspecies?) Anyway, I'll have to check out the mesquite tree at the library and see if it is anything like the one I found today. Thanks for your help!
Best Regards,


Grasshopper Mouse

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Re: Local Arrow Making Materials - Mojave Desert
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2014, 06:32:04 am »
In some areas of California there still stand juniper trees where you can see the scars where NA bowyers removed bow staves from the trunks and left the tree standing. If you can find juniper trees around here that can produce a long enough stave I'm sure it will work. Sinew backing a juniper bow isn't at all unheard of and will allow the use of a shorter stave.
If you were up Silver Creek you may not have been too far from me. I'm near Custer and Buenos Aires Rd.
