Author Topic: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout  (Read 11718 times)

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Offline IdahoMatt

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2014, 12:15:20 pm »
Good on ya man.  That looks like a great bow with great purpose.  I love seeing great acts of generosity on this site.  Makes me proud to feel  a part of something so kind.  Great job on that bow man.

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2014, 10:54:22 pm »
That's cool Arrowind, it's funny I'm just starting to make bows here recently. But my first bow was made at scout camp when I was 15. That's what got me started recently, I ran across it at my folks house one day when I was helping dad in the shed. Patrick

That's a cool story.  When we started making bows for scouts I was the Varsity Scout leader. (ages 14-16).  Now I am the Venture Scout Leader (16-18).   I hope some of these guys will want to build a few more bows down the road too. 

Earlier this week we made blow guns. 

Got scout camp coming up in June.  Should be fun.
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2014, 10:54:54 pm »
IdahoMatt - thanks dude!
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2014, 11:11:41 am »
Wow Arrowind, that's cool! I never thought about making blow dart guns! May have to try that with my new troop. Oh yeah, found out yesterday, that I'm the new scout master for the troop I grew up in!  Patrick
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2014, 12:42:21 pm »
Fitting reward for a special achievement, nice job.
" To be, or not to be"...decisions, decisions, decisions.

Offline arachnid

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2014, 03:35:30 pm »
Hi Arrowind- Very nice bow! Absolut craftsmanship!

Yesterday I found a nice maple board with some fine grain and want to make a bow from
it (my first unbacked, and the first time I`m working with maple) and I have 3 questions, if you may:

1) Is maple stronger in tension then compresion? Is that why you traped the back? (Besides looks). Should I trap my bow`s back?
2) How did you reflexed the tips? steam?
3) Can you give me the dimentions? Width, Thickness, Taper etc..

Thanks a lot... that is one lucky eagle scout...


Offline PeteC

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2014, 03:53:33 pm »
That is a great "award" for an Eagle. Very nice bow. I wish I'd have got one like that when I earned my Eagle, forty so odd years ago. Great work. God Bless
What you believe determines how you behave., Pete Clayton, Whitehouse ,Texas

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #37 on: May 03, 2014, 06:36:55 pm »
PeteC, you're right; probably an "award" rather than a bounty or incentive.  ;D
" To be, or not to be"...decisions, decisions, decisions.

Offline bushboy

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2014, 09:21:04 am »
Wicked job,cool story!i really like that style of handle also!
Some like motorboats,I like kayaks,some like guns,I like bows,but not the wheelie type.

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2014, 12:12:28 pm »
Wow Arrowind, that's cool! I never thought about making blow dart guns! May have to try that with my new troop. Oh yeah, found out yesterday, that I'm the new scout master for the troop I grew up in!  Patrick

That's awesome! Congrats.  I'm sure you'll do great!  yeah the blow guns are fun and super easy to make.  Take some half inch pvc pipe or similar pipe 4-5' long give or take doesn't matter too much.  Take some long thin nails.  Yes nails.  cut a small square of paper 4" x 4" give or take.  wrap the paper square around the top end of the nail in a cone shape then wrap scotch tape around to hold it on.  Put the dart in the pipe.  cut the excess paper off with some scissors and your ready to shoot.   ;)    They are fun and you can stick those nails in a wooden target, tree trunk, misbehaving scout  :o problem...  It's actually a little surprising how well they work!  have fun brother!
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2014, 12:21:12 pm »
Thanks everyone!

Hrothgar - yeah in this case the boy was surprised and didn't know it was at end of the Eagle trail. so we could call it an "award".   I think if all the younger scouts that were there are motivated to get their eagle in hopes of receiving a bow it will be an "bounty or incentive."  :laugh: 
It's all semantics really but....I guess if it helps them get their eagle it's definitely worth it.  I am not ashamed to bribe'em.  I'll make'em a bow.    :P 

 Could keep me busy for a while...there's so many of them. ???
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2014, 12:54:48 pm »
Hi Arrowind- Very nice bow! Absolut craftsmanship!

Yesterday I found a nice maple board with some fine grain and want to make a bow from
it (my first unbacked, and the first time I`m working with maple) and I have 3 questions, if you may:

1) Is maple stronger in tension then compresion? Is that why you traped the back? (Besides looks). Should I trap my bow`s back?
2) How did you reflexed the tips? steam?
3) Can you give me the dimentions? Width, Thickness, Taper etc..

Thanks a lot... that is one lucky eagle scout...


Thanks Dor!  I appreciate your comments!

1) I think all or most woods are stronger in tension than compression.  It's just that with some woods the difference in that relationship is more drastic.   Maple is tension strong meaning it tends to be one of those woods that is very strong in tension. 

You HAVE to consider the kind of maple you are using.  There are many varieties and not all are the best choice for a bow. 
I've been using "sugar maple" which is also known as "rock maple" or "hard maple."   Others use "vine maple" and LOVE it.   These are both very good examples of "good maple" for bows.   There was something about this in a thread not too long ago.

Anyway - I trapped the back and usually do mainly to reduce mass.  Less weight on the limbs means a faster better performing bow.  That is the main reason i did it with this one and why I do with others.  The fact that it looks cool to my eyes is an added benefit. 

honestly I would not suggest it if you haven't made a few bows.  it's one more thing to have to get right.  not saying you can't do it but I am saying that you don't HAVE to do it to get a decent shooter.  It's another variable you have to contend with.  just round the edges of the back a little so they are not really sharp angles.  That will also help in not lifting splinters. 

2)  I used a combination but ultimately it was steam.  I only reflexed the tips very mildly but used a technique that I'm really starting to like.  I think Marc St Louis was the guy who came up with it.  I clamped the bow down to my form.  I took a wet cloth laid it on the tips about that last 6" covered it with tin foil and used a heat gun on high to heat it up.  I was able to bend the tips quite easily all though very mildly after about 10 minutes of heat.  Not sure exactly how it works but the tin foil holds all the steam in and I think it works well to distribute the heat evenly less heat is lost so it works fast.   It works great. 

3) I think this one was 66" total length 1 3/4" wide at the fades tapering to 1.5" after about 18-20" then tapering to 3/8" at the tips.  It's almost pyramid like.  I usually keep the taper even and adjust if need be when I tiller and if your limbs taper in width it works pretty good.  Not sure how thick the limbs are. 

Anyway I would suggest 2" at the fades and just do a straight width taper to .5" at the tips or smaller what ever you want.  This would be a classic pyramid design and works very well.  your thickness taper would be even from fades to tips unless you wanted the last - 6-7" a little stiffer then you would leave that portion just a little thicker so as not to bend as much. 

I hope that helps.   Thanks again for your comments!
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline Dvshunter

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2014, 09:07:01 pm »
That's one classy bow and a fine gesture.
"There is a natural mystic blowing through the air; if you listen carefully now you will hear." Robert Nesta Marley

Offline Arrowind

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2014, 09:21:17 pm »
Thanks Dvshunter!
Talking trees. What do trees have to talk about, hmm... except the consistency of squirrel droppings?

Offline paoliguy

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Re: Maple Bow For Eagle Scout
« Reply #44 on: May 04, 2014, 11:38:35 pm »
Not only is this a awesome gesture in honor of this young man that is simply a beautiful bow. Thank you for sharing!