Was the bow flat when you started or did it have some reflex. The reason I ask is
if it was flat that's not that bad,if it had reflex that's much worse,all wood bows
take set.String follow is tried to keep to a minimum,you see lots that start with 3 or 4 inches of reflex and wind up with 1 inch,that is 3 inches of set. If it starts flat
and has 2 inches of string follow that is also set but will effect the performance more. So to answer you question a couple of inches of set is very exceptable at least for me. I have seen very few that can build a wood bow with no set but lots that can build one without string follow.

advice above will help a lot,keep the wood dry,go slow / look a lot while tillering/never go any futher than you need to see the problem area/fix and move on and never pull over intended draw weight. Simple