Congratulations to Jesse for winning March Backed BOM!!!!,45809.msgHere is what Jesse had to say of his build: Here is my latest. Its a tri lam bamboo back with a bamboo core and an ipe belly. The handle is mainly acacia. The bow is made from shorter pieces that are joined in the handle area with scarf joints. The bamboo back is one piece. There is also a 20" long ipe power lam under the bamboo back. The handle is 12" long. This bow took a bit longer than some so I decided to take some pictures and post it. Its 1 1/4" wide to mid limb then tapers to a point. Its 66" long and weighs in at 60.2# @ 28". Feels very quick and dead in my hand when shot. I gave the bamboo back a dark grey distressed finish so it will blend in nicely for hunting. Thanks for looking.
Here is what some forum members had to say about Jesse’s bow:
60# at 28", bet that bangs 'em out. Real beauty. Del (I'll overlook the 0.2# )
Great job on that one, my favorite flight shooting design. Fastest R/d bows I have ever built or tested looked just about like yours. Badger
Bwautiful bow sir!! Love the way you finished the bamboo on the back! ajooter
The back does blend in very well! Everything about that bow is super duper sexy! This is the kinda bow that makes me wish I was allowed to swear on this forum! Very nice! toomanyknots
Very nice Jesse. You got those reflexed limbs to open right up. She looks fast. Pat B