Author Topic: What animal is in your dream hunt?  (Read 27500 times)

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Offline PAHunter

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What animal is in your dream hunt?
« on: February 08, 2014, 09:45:43 pm »
Is there an ultimate animal you dream of hunting?

Crouched behind some trees I hear the unmistakable splash of a large animal cross the stream 40 yards in front of me.  As I stare across the small grassy meadow the source of those sounds has not yet emerged from the thick brush.  My heart races in excitement and anxiety preparing my body for the confrontation that is about to occur.  The feelings are familiar but far more intense than ever before because this time there is uncertainty over who will be the victor in this confrontation.  My ears are now super human and hone in on the location of the steps.  My eyes confirm as great brown bear steps out to survey the field with head held high.  My left hand adjusts into an all too familiar position on my bow grip as my right hand grasps the string.  Other than that there is no movement in my body or mind.  As I focus the world fades into nonexistence and all I see is my prey, no, I see one out of place hair on my prey that sits just behind its front shoulder.  The great beast slowly walks through the meadow.  20 yards, 15 yards, I slowly raise my bow, 10 yard, I slowly draw, 8 yards, I exhale, 6 yards, my grip relaxes as the string slides forward and my arrow takes flight propelled by my handmade bow and dream… 

Well that’s how my dream hunt may go.  Hopefully it ends with the great brown bear lying on the ground instead of me becoming his lunch.  Haha  I took my wife and daughter to the museum today and they had to pull me along as I stared at each exhibit in the North American game section, as my mind ran through endless fantasies of possible encounters with the amazing animals I saw.  This brown bear was my favorite as hunting one is my ultimate dream hunt.  Though being close to this guy almost made me reconsider this goal and my sanity. 

My ultimate goal with hunting is to create great adventures and memories for me and my family.  But dreams of encounters with the great game species of North America sure gets my blood pumping!  So what animal is at the top of your bucket list?
Rob - Wexford, PA

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". - Abe Lincoln

Offline Pat B

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 09:53:56 pm »
Last time that question was asked here on PA got me two trips to the San Juan Mountains of Colorado on elk hunts with Little John(Kenneth) and an open invitation to come back. Unfortunately no one told the elk about the hunts. Maybe my next trip will be the one.  ;)
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Offline PAHunter

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2014, 10:08:08 pm »
@Pat: Nice!  As an old elk hunting friend of mine said when I questioned where all the elk were, "oh the elk are out there, they are there".  That trip I saw 3 elk in the distance, 10 muel deer, and 5 moose.  I'm still drooling to get back out there.  I fired no shots but it was a perfect hunt all the same.  Good luck next time, hopefully the elk will be there for us!
Rob - Wexford, PA

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". - Abe Lincoln

Offline koan

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 10:10:58 pm »
For me it will be hog huntin, followed close by a monster alligator gar hunt... Brian
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Offline killir duck

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2014, 10:32:14 pm »
i want to hunt BIG muleys, where i live a big muley is 25"-28" wide 150"-165" b&c score, and it takes alot of work to get one, especialy with a bow, i want to hunt those 30"+ monsters
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2014, 10:36:02 pm »
It is hot.  A kind of hot I thought I knew.  But I didn't.  It was the kind of heat that saps the strength from your body.  It's about 40 minutes to sunset and the heat is like wool muffling your whole body.  I'm sitting in a makeshift hide along a waterhole, the hide is woven from thornbushes and dry reeds.  It provides some shade, and I am thankful for any of it.

The last water bottle was gone long ago and I am looking down at this muddy waterhole like it is a '97 Perrier-Jouet in a chilled champagne flute.  There is no sound but the tiny gasps of sweat hitting the sand at my feet and insects whining and buzzing around me.  It has been silent like this for a good 20 minutes since the leopard cleared his throat somewhere behind me in the bush.

And then a sound so quiet that it instantly has me doubting I really heard it...and another, just maybe a bit louder.  I am now hyper alert.  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  Not a sound, not bit of change in the scenery.  And then I see it, a small jet black object that was not in the brush to my right just a moment ago.  It's a large, wet eyeball.  My eyes sharpen their focus and now I can pick out alternating black and white marks on that amazing face, but I cannot see the sweep of the twin javelin horns. 

And just like that, the animal takes a single step forward and I see her completely.  A young female gemsbok, the oryx of legend.  Twin, slender, 26" horns adorn her beautiful head.  I don't move, I concentrate on the feel of the arrow nocked on the string, the feel of the grip in my left hand.  She moves forward fluidly, followed by another eight or ten cows from this herd.  The last out of the bush is the herd matriarch, the one the guides told you about.  You know her immediately from the scars on her withers where she fought free of the young male lion years back. 

She pauses behind the others as they drink.  She is not easily fooled as her head slowly turns back and forth scanning the thin brush around the waterhole.  It is almost as if she is flaunting those long, narrow horns of hers, the lovely pale tips at the very ends almost 38 inches from the bases.  The bulls that seek her out have much thicker bases, much more mass to the horns, but they are often shorter from being worn down.  At last, she decides it is time to get her share of the dwindling resource this waterhole offers. She walks right in front of the hide, pauses a moment before her head drops to drink.  She is quartered slightly away from me and for a moment I almost lift the bow arm, but something holds me.

Her head snaps back up to alert a half inch before her lovely muzzle touchs the water. I realize I have been holding my breath for longer than I would have thought humanly possible, but I can't exhale now.  The rest of the herd raise their heads as their thirst is quenched and the matriarch takes this as her opportunity to drink.  I exhale very slowly as her head slowly lowers to the water.  Her muzzle touches the water and concentric rings ripple from the contact.  Her throat pumps once, twice, and I slowly raise the bow and inhale.  My lungs are full as I hit full draw and the point of aim settles behind her near shoulder. Softly the air seeps from my lungs and the string has slipped off my fingertips, almost of it's own accord....
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Offline PAHunter

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2014, 10:47:40 pm »
Those all would be great trophies. 
@JW: it sounds like you have considered that one or twice before.   ;)  Thanks for the story, I felt a bead of sweat drip from my nose a second before that arrow took flight.  ;D
Rob - Wexford, PA

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". - Abe Lincoln

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2014, 10:56:21 pm »
There she is, 400 lbs of grace and beauty.  All that and two perfect horns for making a bow!  Hence wanting to take the cow and not the bull. 
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Adam

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2014, 11:48:32 pm »
I have always wanted to hunt cape buffalo.  Based on my recent arrow shooting, I would much prefer to do that with a rifle though.  I'd have a much better chance of living through it to post pictures.  If I was going to pick an animal to go after with a bow, it would probably be a roe deer.  I have a skull mount of one my great grandfather shot in Germany in 1921 and I've always thought it was really cool.

Offline Pat B

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2014, 11:58:47 pm »
Rob, I did have a wolf cross about 25 yards below my ground stand one day while out there. That was a very special moment for me.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2014, 12:20:23 am »
@JW: I like the way you think!  ;)
@Adam: cape buffalo wow.  Hard to imagine that even being possible with a selfbow but I'm sure it's been done.
@Pat: a wolf would be something else.  Those types of amazing moments are why I started to film my hunts recently.  It's nice to relive them and share with family. 
Rob - Wexford, PA

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". - Abe Lincoln

Offline nclonghunter

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2014, 10:49:18 am »
I was lucky to get my 6x6 elk, so it is a moose that is on the list. I have an addiction to game that responds to calls. The interaction between hunter and hunted using vocal sounds is what I love. Turkeys, elk and moose.
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Offline adb

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2014, 11:05:45 am »

Offline Bryce

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2014, 12:10:21 pm »
my dream hunts include moose and grizzly.
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Little John

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Re: What animal is in your dream hunt?
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2014, 10:53:42 pm »
Elk are hard to beat, especially for an affordable and doable hunt. Every year I just hope and pray for one more season to hunt these magnificent animals. But any game animal I get to hunt is my favorite at the time.                           Kenneth
May all of your moments afield with bow in hand please and satisfy you.            G. Fred Asbell