Author Topic: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice  (Read 3910 times)

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Offline mrwho

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So, I finally have a real workspace, and I am so  stoked. Joined a sorta co-op collective gear head/welder/carpenter/maker club, 20,000 sq. Ft and some decent equipment.
Anyway, enough back story(almost), I haven't shot ina few years AND dearly miss it so I'm doing my  to make a decent bow or two.
So, here's what I got brewing--sorry photos in morning, I'm beat.
Bow one is a red oak board bow which I started probably four years ago but didn't get far,at this point I'm thinning it down but I'm not quite sure on what limb shape I should go with. The board was originally 1"x2"x7' its now maybe a bit over 6' long with a slight taper. Oak to me always seemed strong but brittle, but I don't know red oak and have heard good things. So any advice on limb shape or I suppose overall even, how thin can I make it before it just splinters? That's my main worry.

Sorry for asking so many questions, I really have read a bunch of howtos and such, but feedback would be amazing.
Second bow question....
I'm making a bow out of spruce, I've heard.... A few good things about it.I'm using a 2x2 and shaping it down. Can I even do this? I'm thinking of making the limbs quite thin with some sort of backing, either hide or fiberglass or wood laminate. Unless spruce has the right properties to do without. I've tried to read up but didn't find as ton.

The spruce has pretty decently straight grain, no knots that won't be shaved away.
The red oak is.... Kinda straight grained but not as straight as I'd like. I'm planning on focusing on the red oak tomorrow I think.
Thanks for listening to my tired kind of stoned(hilariously, actually medicinal)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 07:44:58 am by Pappy »

Offline Gsulfridge

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Easy on the language partner.  This is a family site.  Also, speaking of *****glass is bad juju.
Greg Sulfridge, Lafollette, TN

Offline Pappy

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  • if you have to ask you wouldn't understand ,Tenn.
Don't know anything about either,maybe someone will come on and help, what Greg said on the language and glass, and you might want to try working and thinking about building a self bow while you are un stoned as you call it. ???
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline nathan elliot

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X2 on the language, my little nephew reads this site all the time - lets keep it clean. Also I don't think sharp tools and being stoned medicinally or otherwise is a good mix, again family site bud. No pun intended.

Offline Blaflair2

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Never heard of a spruce bow, tons of red oak build a search! Think before u type. And we don't use fiberglass round here >:D
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Offline Pat B

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I would overbuild the red oak by leaving it full width for most of its length and taper the last 8" to 10" to the tips.
 The spruce might make a bow if the grain is very tight, it is sawn biased and you back it with a thin maple od elm backing strip...but I wouldn't put much trust in the spruce bow. Spruce, however does make good arrows.
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Offline adb

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Good grief man. If you want to enjoy being stoned online (medicinal or not), I'm sure there are lots of other places to do that.

Spruce is great wood... for building structures. Material of choice, actually. Don't waste your time trying to make a bow out of it. It's not bow wood. Oak, on the other hand, will make a bow if you design it right.

Have you done any research? Any searches on this forum? Any reading? If you're serious about this, buy yourself the Traditional Bowyer's Bibles Vols 1-4. Worth their weight in gold. They cover everything about making trad bows.

I just don't think you're going to have a very favourable response from folks on this forum by jumping on, dropping an F bomb, and saying you're stoned and want to make a bow.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 06:39:59 pm by adb »


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Adam summed it up nicely for you, Id heed his advice on all counts.
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Offline mrwho

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Right right right, knew I was overlooking something(choice of words), I wasnt thinking 'bout much besides my bows but I sincerely apologize for the coarse language. It won't be happening again. May as well get the pot thing outta the way too. Fellas, I'm a grown man, not some punk stoner kid. My  dear ole Ma generously passed on her defective spine to me and it helps with pain and sleep.
I only mentioned it 'cause I was worried my post wasn't making sense and I'd rather look stoned than thick. I don't work high, I like my fingers attached where god intended. I I use it after a painful day instead of opiates 'cause that's a road I try not to take often.
So! Hopefully that's all outta the way and I can get to all(all may be a misuse) your wonderful replies.
Thanks again and sorry to offend.

Offline mrwho

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Re: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2014, 03:30:38 pm »
Thanks for the info on spruce, I was wary of it but I'd found a site or two saying they made okay boys. Of course most suggested a backing and usually with the othr F Bomb I dropped, starts with F ends with Glass. Plus it was hard to pass up some nicely grained 2"x2"x7' for $2.19 a piece. I figure they'll be good to hone my technique with rasps planars and such.  Heck, I may even end up with a couple crap bows.

I have read up on some red oak howtos, I really should have waited 'til I had photos to post. I say this because when I started shaping it years ago i was just wingin' it. Heading back to the shop nowish so I'll post a pic or three once I get there.
Again, thanks for the info and I am sorry I offended y'all. I hate gettin' off on the wrong foot here since ya seem like a great group of guys and gals(presumably) with a lot of knowledge I could use.
So, we gonna hug it out? ;)

As Sincerely as I get,

Offline Thesquirrelslinger

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Re: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2014, 04:04:50 pm »
I see your points on the opiates... supposedly they are addictive.
In some places it is better to appear stupid than stoned.
I have a bow of red oak. It is 65" long, bendy handle, made from a 1x2. I made the belly just SLIGHTLY crowned(massively speeds up tillering, plus it also massively reduces the risk of breaking in tension, but it does increase set). I tapered the last 10" of each limb to 1/4th inch tips, full depth. The outer 5-6" inches bend none.
Most of the bend is in the inner-mid limbs, with the handle bending. Still have it, still shoot it OFTEN(daily).
I don't actually know the draw weight, but it is around 55#@28"..
Elm and Maple make better backings for such a low-weight wood as spruce- a fibergl@$$ back will overpower the bow, making it shoot worse that it otherwise would. It also looks worse than a rotted deer stomach.
A fibergl@$$ laminate recurve is very diffucult to make, although easier to tiller than wooden longbows.
cut the red oak into two 1x2s if possible... if not... 1" thick or so.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Offline mrwho

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Re: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2014, 04:36:59 pm »
Thanks squirrel, leaving to the shop now, I'll post some pics once I get my table setup so you can see where I'm at.
I've lurked here a bit, I'm happy I've taken the next step to join the community. Even with my instant cockup(almost cursed again!, raised by sailors with mouths like roofers) you've all(mostly) welcomed me warmly and with great advice.
Off to my new workshop, bubbling with excitement!

Offline Bryce

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Re: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2014, 04:43:43 pm »
Sitka spruce can be used a bow wood. Seen a few.
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline bubby

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Re: Sev. questions on two bows I'm making, please help an enthusiastic novice
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2014, 06:51:53 pm »
personally I think red oak works better with a pyramid design, straight taper from fades to tip, and welcome to the site
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