...As a random little note, I like making english longbows with slight reflexed tips, whether they are silly or not,
. If they are reflexed enough, you can tell the difference in the draw, it is a bit more smoother. As many laminates as I make, I wish I would figure a way out to do that with a laminate stave, I guess some kind of "form" or something would be needed during glue up...
Its not super hard. BTW you might want to make the belly lam a bit longer- or make the middle lam a tad longer, and the belly lam a tad longer..
Also.... if you cut a form, you can make it any way you want it.
Expect to have to trim 1-2" off the tips when done, if you don't make the lams adjusted in length.
if you do a deflex-recurve, don't worry about adjusting length.
Also, wider limbs work much better with recurves/reflex, as they are exponentially less likely to twist.
Just take a 2x4, and cut it to look like this-