Arrrggg how did I miss this? I've been watching Tudor Monastery Farm and loving every minute of it yet somehow missed this Christmas episode. Must watch now! Del - brilliant stuff - and they have footage too of you making a bow? We insist the BBC releases this in the national interest
NB for anyone who doesnt know this was filmed at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum which is awesome and one of my favourite places to visit.
Cheers, I was a bit miffed that they wouldn't even let me see the other footage for my personal use! It was a glorious summers day on the South Downs when we filmed it. I pleased that I didn't sound like an ass, that's the beauty of being mic'd up, after a while you forget and they get nice natural footage.
Mind I did wonder what the heck was going on at the end of the day when this bloke came up and shoved his hand up my shirt!

He was retrieving the mic!

Here's a shot of the filming... I think my mate Roy was a tad distracted.

She was one of the crew/researcher, the other researcher was gorgeous too. After the filming we got them shooting the little Hazel bow that Ruth Goodman is shooting in the pic. They both really got it and enjoyed having a go
