Hello all,
I just finished my very first bow ever! And it didn't explode on me! Yet...

However, it has taken a lot of set and the poundage is extremely light... It's fun to shoot, but maybe could only kill a chipmunk or two. Anyway, I'm young, and this was a Christmas gift for my girlfriend, as she only has compound bows; I figured it'd be a fun way to get her into more primitive shooting, plus handmade gifts mean so much more even if they don't turn out the way we'd like. Anyway, eventually, I am going to make her another bow, one that is hopefully of hunting quality. However, my question is, can one recurve tips in order to try and counter-balance set and/or increase poundage? I'd like to do something to it for her, or is it best to let sleeping dogs lie?
Thanks for the advice! I think I am becoming an addict to the bowyer's lifestyle....