Olive oil doesn't do well at high temps like for frying. Coconut oil has a very high heat tolerance. Get the pure organic, and not the hydrogenated, or steam processed oil. Get the cold pressed. It is also capable of being used in machinery!

Stay away from Palm oil, it comes from the Betal nut palm, also known as the Arica palm. It is a known carcinogen. Nothing like a good, and well seasoned cast iron pot! I cook only with cast iron, as first choice, and glass as second, and stainless as third, and porcelain as a fourth. Absolutely no non stick coatings, or aluminum! A lot of people have a little 24 hour virus, that is actually Teflon poisoning! Aluminum is as bad or worse than mercury. In the early seventies, they found the majority of Alzheimer patients had a high level of aluminum in their blood, and then the sales of aluminum products plummeted, and as usual, the people forgot in a few years, aluminum is back as strong as ever. Think about it. Aluminum conducts electricity, and in your blood stream, in your brain, it plays hell with the neurons, and elsewhere in the body. They are even using it in the flu shots, and shots for infants! The majority of those vaccines are banned in Europe. I always check the labels on pickle and relish jars, if it has Alum ( Aluminum Sulfate) I leave it on the shelf. Anyway, I would go with the mineral oil,or butcher block oil, etc. Just my opinion. I always, wash my little wood cutting block, after each use, with hot water, and then lightly wipe it with water and bleach, after that. Enjoy your cutting block.

( Use laxative grade mineral oil) Boy this Venison is delic, where's your bathroom?!!!
