Author Topic: Want to read a long story?  (Read 11867 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: Want to read a long story?
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2013, 03:45:34 am »

     Glad you found him, and good for you to keep at it.  Sorry about the yotes.  As the Queen of France said when the people were starving......"Let them eat cake!"  As for the starving yotes..... I am with Pappy...... "Let them eat lead!"
Like Parnell said they are all over Florida now.  Eating rabbits, and pets, mobile speed bumps (armadillos)  Also known as possum on the half shell. And deer, turkey, and any and every thing they can kill.  Unlike wolves they don't just kill something for the fun of it.  However, since the over population of the wolves in Montana, I haven't heard as many yotes howling, and yipping.  Seems the wolves like yote meat.  So the yotes keep pretty quiet for the most part.  Again good for you on keeping at it.  Sometimes it just turns out this way.  Ir is not a modern problem.  It has been this way since mankind.  But you did the right, and ethical thing, with you and your Friend going the extra mile to find it.  Ol stormy designed a pretty good hat didn't he?!  I have one in blaze orange, but want to get one in black and red checkers, or plaid if you will. ;)  Again congrats, and honors to you and your Buddy, sad to see the loss.  An opportunity was not passed by the Coyotes, as they usually don't.  Pretty smart as they will look , and listen for Ravens, and other scavengers.  Don't let it get at ya.  The peeps are great, and the tape works great also.  Could have been the wind and snow, distorting your aim also. 



Offline chamookman

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Re: Want to read a long story?
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2013, 04:52:42 am »
I have three different Raven vocalizations on My FoxPro E-Caller  >:D. Bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.