Author Topic: Gut Bow string  (Read 43238 times)

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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2008, 09:10:52 pm »
You can keep the whitefish and send me the walleyes. The walleyes will be starting their spawning runs here by the end of the month if we get some nice weather. Mmmmmmm. Seems like once again we've headed a thread into the kitchen. Where else in the world could you start talking about stringy bear guts and wind up with walleye fillets dipped in beer batter and deep fried golden brown with fried taters and homemade hushpuppies and a little bit of lemon juice squoze on 'em?  ;D
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline huntertrapper

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2008, 09:30:46 pm »
have you noticed the change in the subject?  :) ::)
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2008, 09:43:18 pm »
Won't argue with ya to much on the walleye, but cajun broiled whitefish is oh so good, and better than walleye is there smaller cousin the yellow perch,
then again bluegill is pretty fine, hmmm northen pike properly prepared are also tasty, then again fresh brookies wrapped in tinfoil on hot coals is simple but elegant,
then their are the smelt rolled in flour with al ittle salt and pepper fried in a smoking hot cast iron pan on the bank of the stream with a chilly beverage now that is pure delight.
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Offline huntertrapper

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2008, 10:16:23 pm »
yes, brook trout cooked in tin foil with some butter and salt and pepper is always good. or deep fried salomon
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2008, 10:52:15 pm »
Smoked whitefish from Superior mmmmmmmm good eh hoser. ;D

Stinkin Smoked Whitefish from Thill Fishery on the Lower Harbor in Marquette....I can still smell it on my Hands!!!!!!!! Take Off Hoser!!!! Gotta love dem fishies

Hillbilly.....shut up....I am slobbering on the Keyboard here!!! I cant wait till the Walleye are spawning again.....and Crappie and Perch and Pan Fish too......ohh I might hang up the Drawknife for while when that starts!!! I gotta go and wipe off my chin!!!!!
« Last Edit: February 04, 2008, 10:56:08 pm by yankeemongiat »
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2008, 01:28:33 am »
I have to go a long way for walleye, but we have plenty of bluegill and crappie.  I can go 5 minutes from the house and catch rainbow trout and catfish.  I would rather eat the catfish fillet and breaded.  Lots of brookies and browns too. Not a huge fan of largemouth and striped bass.  Justin
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Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2008, 01:44:03 am »
 I likes piranha and mudfish cooked over hot wood fire. Likes bass and bream also. But them piranha sure is good ! Yummy....................... ;D ;D ;D............bob

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2008, 02:03:55 am »
I likes piranha and mudfish cooked over hot wood fire. Likes bass and bream also. But them piranha sure is good ! Yummy....................... ;D ;D ;D............bob

You like Piranha's you want a Pair?????? They are tearing up my Tank....they are going out to the Pond this Spring!!!

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As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline DanaM

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2008, 08:50:57 am »
I hear they taste like chicken ::)
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2008, 12:06:21 pm »
They are tearing up my Tank....they are going out to the Pond this Spring!!!
Now that would be an ecological disaster.  Ask Bob what is happening to the native species in Fl. now that everybody is turning loose their tank fish, snakes and lizards. Ever heard of the Northern Snakehead, it was released and is taking over the waterways of the eastern US and California.  They tear up the pond just like your tank. Pull them out of the tank and smack them in the head with a hammer.  Justin
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you made a bad decision.

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Offline DanaM

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2008, 01:31:54 pm »
Just saw a TV show on the Snakehead, their in the Potomac River big time. Here in the great lakes we have the zebra miuscle, round goby,
eurasian ruffe, spiny water flea and on and on all from ballast water discharge.
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

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Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2008, 03:44:55 pm »
They are tearing up my Tank....they are going out to the Pond this Spring!!!
Now that would be an ecological disaster.  Ask Bob what is happening to the native species in Fl. now that everybody is turning loose their tank fish, snakes and lizards. Ever heard of the Northern Snakehead, it was released and is taking over the waterways of the eastern US and California.  They tear up the pond just like your tank. Pull them out of the tank and smack them in the head with a hammer.  Justin
    What Justin said !!!!                       Dont even get me started on this or we will be here fer 4-5 hours ! >:( Peacock bass(buttefly ) were introduced here in south florida in the late 80's ta eat the exotic species foks are throwin' in the canals, streams and rivers. Not ta mention releasin' other critters in the swamps an fields etc. They ( peacock ) come from the amazon and they LUVS ta eat piranha ! ;D They (peacocks ) are also in the kissimmee lake chain. Ha ! I have seen anacondas, pythons, crocs, camen, iguanas, monkeys, piranha an somethin' else in swamps that ya woulda not believe !  :o  I dont think foks know er care what happens to the native species when ya do this. The exotics have NO natural enemies here like where they come from. The monkeys escaped during hurricane andrew from the so. florida zoo in 1992. They have established themselves in the glades and so forth. They are hell on native parrots and birds. Dont let anyone tell ya they are vegetarians ! Bull#^%$ ! Killed a coupla them and ATE em as I do piranha, python an anacondas. Kinna poetic justice dont ya think ? I know about so.florida but I betcha Eddie (mullet ) can tell ya more about central florida. I got a green an yella iguana that lives in my backyard in the trees. Aint had a shot at it yet BUT DINNERS COMIN" ! ;D......................bob
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 04:09:23 pm by Kowechobe »

Offline david w.

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2008, 04:04:50 pm »
Hey Bob if my parents let me i will help you eradicate all the invasive species ;D

We have the bighead carp in th mississippi river and they jump out when they hear a boat coming and some people get smaked in the head.
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Offline Electricfrontporch

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2008, 08:53:23 pm »
Just remember fellas bream and bass ain't seafood
Don't Panic!

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Gut Bow string
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2008, 10:24:41 pm »
They are tearing up my Tank....they are going out to the Pond this Spring!!!
Now that would be an ecological disaster.  Ask Bob what is happening to the native species in Fl. now that everybody is turning loose their tank fish, snakes and lizards. Ever heard of the Northern Snakehead, it was released and is taking over the waterways of the eastern US and California.  They tear up the pond just like your tank. Pull them out of the tank and smack them in the head with a hammer.  Justin
Nah....I have a Pond that they cant get out of....and they aint going to eat my Koi....dint worry Guys....this isn't going to be like the Big Head Carp and the Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes....this is a 1000 gallon Plastic lined Pond in my Back Yard...with no way to get to the Waterways....there are no Waterways in the Texas Panhandle!!!!!!
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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