I haven't thought much about softer woods lately. I haven't had the best luck in getting good eastern red cedar or Yew. I have worked ERC once but it was full of knots and didn't want to be a bow.
I love sinew backing bows. I used to collect sinew from our guys at church back when I lived in Minnesota. I even got 40 deer hides in one winter, so you could imagine how much sinew I had. They thought I was crazy.
One of the projects I want to do is a sinew backed ERC or Juniper bow (60" ish long with 2" wide limbs). I actually want to make one like Ed Scott does. He makes some real fine sinew backed bows.
Osage outlaw: I do not have my bandsaw or bend sander with me. I do have a 2"x72" coote knife grinder but, I just use it for steel. It doesn't do so well with bows. It's not a variable speed motor.
DuBois: Thank you for the kind offer. I will have to take you up on that offer. I still have enough sinew left to do another bow.

I agree that essential oils sound weird for therapy but, I know that can really help. I've been through the ringer enough times that I am almost willing to try anything...
I have a few surgeries coming up real soon too. Hopefully after I get those done, some things will improve. I do have one disease that causes arthiritis and hopefully I will get that dealt with before spring comes.
I'm very thankful for you guys! I'm hoping to figure out some techniques to help people with disabilities/impairments, make bows and arrows. Again, I prefer hand tools. But, we will see how long that last!