Author Topic: Bradford pear? Bow or no?  (Read 10985 times)

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Offline Pappy

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2013, 06:09:59 am »
What's google  :-[ ??? ;) :) Got a bunch of bradfords in my yard also,none down yet but if they do I will give it a try,let us know how it turns out. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline dwardo

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2013, 06:12:56 am »
What's google  :-[ ??? ;) :) Got a bunch of bradfords in my yard also,none down yet but if they do I will give it a try,let us know how it turns out. :)

Who is google??  ;)

I bet they know a lot about you  >:D

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2013, 07:11:11 am »
Run a search for "Bradford".
Really, the search function works quite well here.

I think the search engine is broke, Darklord, cause I looked up smart ass and all I got was Squirrely. You didn't pop up at all!  ;)
You're right; the search function is broken. It was working some day, but not anymore.
Instead, you can try google: Link: Click
Google is so much better for most searches.

A whole list of useful topics suddenly appears!,6930.0.html,16010.0.html,43588.0.html

@Weylin: I like discussion as well, but when I see the same discussion appearing over and over again, there's just no use anymore. What sense does it make to discuss the same in seven different topics? If there is new information to be added, please re-start the discussion, even if the topic is over 300 days old. As it stands now, all the information about a single wood species, Bradford pear, is completely scattered on this message board. No one is ever gonna be able to find it all. So people will start a new topic - again. Adding to the ever increasing list of topics (814 pages of 'Bows' and counting). If this were my forum, I would merge many of the Bradford pear topics. This would strongly increase the readability and searchability of the discussion board. But I'm not an admin or moderator, so my advise will probably be ignored.
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Ovid, Metamorphoses VI-286

Offline Wylden Freeborne

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2013, 01:25:33 pm »
Thanks everyone for the ideas, and yep, I was thinking of many other items to carve with some of these less bow worthy candidates as well. Darksoul, thanks for your earnest reply, and while I can say that I was being a jokester in my last post, and meant no harm, I still apologize for dirtying up the forum with insults. One thing I love about PA is that it tends to lack trolls unlike other sites. That said, I am not sure why you are compelled to not only open the thread that is on a subject you have read a thousand times before, let alone comment on such threads, but what baffles me most is why it would upset you? I personally have talked about yew bows for hundreds of hours and I am just scratching the surface! There could be new threads everyday that I know I would learn from, even when it is on a subject I have already read about before. Now, why come with an entitled sense of instruction for anyone, just sit back, relax, and talk bows!
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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2013, 01:27:48 pm »
Because he is a Dark Soul, that's why! Not a bright, happy soul! DARK!....;)
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Carson (CMB)

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2013, 02:21:33 pm »
Well played by all.  Cracking me up.   ;D ;D
"The bow is the old first lyre,
the mono chord, the initial rune of fine art
The humanities grew out from archery as a flower from a seed
No sooner did the soft, sweet note of the bow-string charm the ear of genius than music was born, and from music came poetry and painting and..." Maurice Thompso

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2013, 02:35:51 pm »
Darksoul, this is a discussion board, its not necessarily meant to be an encyclopedia where all the information is nicely organized and catalogued. That kind of thing is valuable, but only when you already know what you are looking for. I had never heard of a tree specifically called a Bradford pear tree, so I would never have thought to search for information about it. But due to the conversational nature of this site, I have discovered something new. Perhaps I will come across a Bradford pear tree in my travels, and then I will remember this conversation and the information discussed in it.

Offline BowSlayer

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2013, 03:16:01 pm »
Run a search for "Bradford".
Really, the search function works quite well here.

I think the search engine is broke, Darklord, cause I looked up smart ass and all I got was Squirrely. You didn't pop up at all!  ;)

 :o >:( >:D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
London, England.


Offline DuBois

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2013, 03:47:19 pm »
I am glad there is enough interest in traditional bows that similar topics continue to be posted. Shows people are still open to learn and that there are, hopefully, always new members and visitors re-visiting old topics and maybe shining a new light on it somehow. Carry on folks!
and welcome to the discussion forum Wylden  ;)

Offline Tom Kurth

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2013, 06:16:38 pm »
Wylden, Looking for Osage "in the woods" in Missouri is an unlikely spot. Look in treelines and fencerows--there's a reason it's alternative name is 'hedge.' I've seen it growing in those places, along railroad tracks, next to glades, and in brushy fields, but never in the midst of actual forest land.

Happy hunting,

Escape to Missouri

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2013, 06:59:52 pm »
Darksoul, this is a discussion board, its not necessarily meant to be an encyclopedia where all the information is nicely organized and catalogued. That kind of thing is valuable, but only when you already know what you are looking for. (...)
This unorganized, uncatagorized bunch of 814 pages about anything bow-related, does not help a beginner. No-one knows where to start looking for a piece of information. It is overwhelming to a beginner. I'm sure the lack of a clear beginners section has deterred quite a few.
The message board that I really liked, as far as structure goes, was the original The Bowyers Den, about ten to seven years ago. Anyone still remembers it? It had nicely organized sub-forums, with defined topics such as a bowyer's gallery, a wood forum, a design forum etc.  Perhaps I have just too much experience with various international and local forums that I can get annoyed by this "discussion" board. Take a look at this topic: we can see posts about your privacy on Google, bright souls, osage and more. Not so much discussion at times, but just friendly chit-chatting. I dare to say that a better forum structure would assist in better discussions, because everyone can find his/her preferred topic more easily, without browsing through 814 pages of topics and missing the majority.

Wylden, I'm sorry for going so off topic in your topic. It's nothing personal to you. I just felt the need to explain my post, since I was accused of yelling "use the search function" all the time. It therefore felt appropriate to do so in this topic. I could have opened my own topic, which would probably have disappeared somewhere in the 814 pages of this forum, without much attention or discussion.
"Sonuit contento nervus ab arcu."
Ovid, Metamorphoses VI-286

Offline Onebowonder

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2013, 07:26:33 pm »
Some people have a high noise to valuable input ratio.  Wouldn't it be cool if we could just setup our own personal configuration so that certain people simply would disapear from our view. 

...but then we might miss out on some pretty interesting stuff that way.  Hmmm.  I guess we'll just have to put up with the noise and apply our own internal filters.  I think this forum has proved to be pretty useful and worthwhile just as it is.  I mean, I guess it could be better, but I like it pretty much just like it is.


Offline DuBois

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #27 on: November 26, 2013, 07:41:13 pm »
Sorry, I forgot the original question. I don't know anything about pear wood.  :embarassed: :-\


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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #28 on: November 26, 2013, 07:54:43 pm »
Sooooooo.............where do I post my band camp stories then?
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Offline koan

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Re: Bradford pear? Bow or no?
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2013, 08:01:58 pm »
Sooooooo.............where do I post my band camp stories then?
LMBO!!!... Seriously hope that Bradford Pear is the new WONDER bow wood! That way we got a reason to cut them nasty smelling, invasive things to oblivion  >:D
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