It's a good question.
A price that both parties are happy with, and you don't feel guilty about. Also one you wouldn't have a problem handing back if the bow exploded!
I do it for the fun of it anyway, if someone wants a bow which pushes my experience in a new direction they will get a better price, also if they come and visit, discuss it and/or really know what the want.
I've just about finished a 130# self Yew Warbow. Now a commercial bowyer would be asking £600-800 but they have overheads, maybe employees, taxes, insurance etc.
I keep accounts and manage to avoid making enough profit to be of interest to the tax man (spits on floor).
Generally my Yew bows are a tad under £300, much less for other woods say a tad under £200. The warbow is a bit more.
For special cases the bows are V cheap or given away... mind giving stuff away can just mean the stuff isn't appreciated. I've given away coutless staves, I think only one ever became a bow! If some one had to pay for a stave, even just £10 maybe they'd value it more?
A couple of bottles of wine is a good payment for a repair, string, reducing draw weight etc

. I generally wouldn't want to touch another bowyers work, but sometimes it is a sensible option...
Look at the auction sites on the web, bearing in mind most of the bows are rubbish.
I was tempted to put a couple of my primitive bows on there as I was running out of room. I didn't because I didn't want my bows alonside that cr4p.
I have seen a couple of Yew longbows bought on the web from Eastern Europe, they were ok... ish. Poor detail round the nocks and poor work on knots IMO.