Author Topic: Maple backed Jatoba?  (Read 1389 times)

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Offline kevinsmith5

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Maple backed Jatoba?
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:33:26 pm »
Having recently seen (here) pics of a hard maple backed Jatoba longbow and seen how yew like it looks I'm contemplating one of my own. I have a 6'10" 2"x1" piece if Jatoba and hard maple backing that can easily be as long (the slab I'm taking it off is actually 8'). I'm more concerned about a durable bow suitable for target shooting at ranges out to 40 yards so 50-70 lbs@28" would be enough. I've been nearly exclusively doing ipe ELB'S for quite awhile and haven't done Jatoba ever so I'm not terribly familiar with its strengths and weaknesses.

So for anyone thats worked with jatoba as a belly, if it were you, how would you do it?