First off I want to say thanks to all of you who have paved the way for me to figure out how to make something like this. I am ecstatic how this turned out.
It is 1/8" thick ash backing TB3ed to Ipe. 1-1/8" wide at its widest tapering down to 3/8 at the tips. Pyramid style 52" N2N pulling #42 @ 22". 4" handle with 1.5" tapers. Tips are a couple small pieces of bloodwood I got as scraps when I got the Ipe.
I almost chickened out at 20" but I was prodded into getting a couple more inches out of it, and I am glad I did because now it is he perfect draw length for my wife. It is almost too much for her to pull, but that just means we have some practicing to do, lol. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to make a matching one for myself and next year we will try together to get some deer.