Author Topic: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (  (Read 6588 times)

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Offline rockrush69

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can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« on: September 16, 2013, 10:54:00 pm »
I just worked my ass off cutting down what i thought was a juniper tree its about six inches in diametor and around 15 ft tall .... it has nice darker heartwood with lighter sapwood . I thought it was juniper and found. It to be an arborvitae :( it was very hard hard wood to cut down and the owner of the tree said it has not grown much i. 15 years so it is a slow growing tree . Still green and very heavy ... i need to know if i should " stave it up " or throw it in the burn pile . Please someone help .
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)


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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 03:55:30 am »
Short answer is I wouldn't bother..I don't think it's dense enough but it does have its uses.

Offline TacticalFate

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 08:56:48 am »
nope, Arborvitae has an SG of .34, which is around the density of most pines, much too low for a bow. It's possible, but it would have to be either ridiculously long/wide. It would work, but you'd have to make it the dimensions of a pine bow.


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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 09:11:12 am »
What is yew's SG? How about ERC?
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Joec123able

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 09:22:46 am »
Yea what in world does SG matter stop using SG to determine a good bow wood cedars SG is less than that I believe
I like osage

Offline wood_bandit99

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2013, 09:23:43 am »
Yew and Erc are in the .60-.70 range
Yew and osage, BEST. WOODS. EVER! Shoot straight my friends!!!

Offline Dances with squirrels

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2013, 09:38:35 am »
I don't know if arborvitae is different than ornamantal arborvitae, but I made a bow out of the latter, it smelled like cedar, it was tillered to 28" on the tree and pulled there dozens of times. A few days later I strung it up and pulled it to full draw by hand and it exploded violently at full draw... all that was left in my hand was the handle and about 8" of limb to either side of it. The rest exploded into many small pieces. That was the only bow ive had blow up as i was drawing it. I never messed with arborvitae again.
Straight wood may make a better bow, but crooked wood makes a better bowyer

Offline Josh B

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 09:43:01 am »
Yew and Erc are in the .60-.70 range

Yew is in that range.  ERC is in the .40 to .50 range.  But SG alone is no measure of a bow wood. There a lot of other properties needed that are far more important.  Arborvitae is also known as white cedar.  Its very soft and brittle according to what I've read.  I have never messed with it so I cant really offer any firsthand knowledge born of experience with the wood.   Just a guess, but I would think it would be better suited for arrows.  Josh

Offline The Gopher

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2013, 10:05:48 am »
whether or not it can be made into a bow could be debated for some time, i'm sure someone here could do it, we've seen the Poplar bow.

I say if you're up for the challenge go for it and let us know, there are just a lot better options, a red oak board is probably better than this.

45# at 27"

Offline Bryce

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2013, 01:23:26 pm »
Yea what in world does SG matter stop using SG to determine a good bow wood cedars SG is less than that I believe

Those are averaged densities. Each individual wood even in the same species is different.

Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline simson

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2013, 01:47:55 pm »
I have made a bow from this wood and I have two or three staves waiting for working into bows.
In German it is called Thuja. I made a long (about70") and wide (2") flat bow. I was really surprised about thecast of this bow, it shot like the devil. Of course because of the very light weight wood.
Someday I shot it and after 30-40 arrows the bow exploded with loud bang into 4 pieces. I had great luck, one of the pieces flew ½" away of my right eye.
But I will definitely make another one from this wood, the cast was too good.
Btw. you need lot of wood - my bow looked a bit like a 2/4" slat. I mean it is at least twice as thick and wide like a same weight osage bow.
Be careful about twisted propeller - I wouldn't use that.
Hope this helps.
Bavaria, Germany

Offline rockrush69

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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2013, 02:52:09 pm »
These bows that exploded ... were they sinew backed ? Also . This wood has very dark heart wood and white sapwood . And was very hard to chop through . But seemed to break easy . I figured like juniper i could sinew back it annd it wohld work . But i have herd to much negative about this wood . . . So its off to the burn pile
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)


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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2013, 03:03:11 pm »
Yea what in world does SG matter stop using SG to determine a good bow wood cedars SG is less than that I believe

Well density is related to a wood ability in take compression. Yew can be very dense.....don't know too much about erc


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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 03:09:45 pm »
I wouldn't say there are many other properties...I would say there are a few! I completely agree that density by itself is far from the be all and end all does help....generally    ;)
I've made a few bows from lignum vitae on the other end of the is sluggish and likes to take set unless perfectly tillered....and it's very expensive   ;)
May I suggest that elasticisty is top of the list of good properties for bow wood???   ;)


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Re: can you make a sinew backed bow from arborvitae ? (
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2013, 03:11:01 pm »
Ill second that Mike. Elasticity is paramount in my mind.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.