The right limb definitely needs some scrapes from midlimb outward.
You'll want to make sure that at brace, both limb tips are equal distance from the lines drawn on the wall. It's hard to say without seeing a brace picture, but it looks as though it's sitting cockeyed on the tiller tree (looks like the right fade is closer to the lines on the wall than the left fade). You
may have to shim up one side of the handle while tillering. I use sandpaper, folded up into as many layers as it takes. Those lines on the wall don't mean squat if the bow isn't lined up proper to begin with

As you get the tiller better on the right limb, you will have to do even scrapes the entire length of the left limb to keep it coming around with the right. Once you get them both bending nicely, determine which limb is stronger, and use that as your bottom limb.