Author Topic: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon (updated)  (Read 9901 times)

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Offline Weylin

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Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon (updated)
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:29:49 pm »
Well, we gave it our best shot.... My dad and I went out for our first attempt at bow hunting in Oregon. Bryce was good enough to help us scout a place near him and give us some pointers. My dad and I are from Wisconsin and are used to hunting white-tails. This elk hunting is a whole different ball game. The terrain is thick! this place is a jungle sometimes, thistle, oregon grape, devils club, black berries, all kinds of stuff to shred you up.

The first weekend we got skunked. All we could find was old tracks and droppings, nothing fresh and no sightings. We did get to explore the area fairly well though and that will give us an advantage next time we go in.

This weekend we had a slightly better idea of what we were doing and we had the added advantage that the commercial timber land opened up due to low fire danger so that meant the clear-cuts were fair game. On Saturday morning we slowly walked around the edge of a clear cut looking for sign and when we got all the way around and to the top of the ridge, spotting a big black-tail buck on the way, I looked across the clear cut and saw some movement. At first I thought they were deer but then i saw that characteristic swooped necks and I knew we were finally into some elk. I got out our binoculars and glassed them, they were two bulls making their way up the other ridge and into the thick woods. We must have spooked them at some point in our circuit and sure enough we found fresh sign where we where, showing that they had cut all the way across the clearcut. We then heard a couple of bugles and cow calls coming from down in the creek bottom on the other side of the ridge. It certainly could have been hunters but given that we had just seen two elk come from that direction we decided to take our chances. we spent the rest of the day setting up some blinds to cover some heavy trails. Bryce offered to come out and call for us that afternoon and by 6ish we were all set up and ready to go. Bryce put on quite the show, delivering a veritable elk orgy of sound but we had no takers, not even the two bulls that had scooted off that morning.

Oh well. It was exciting to see some elk even if we didn't set up any shots. We clearly have a ton to learn about hunting elk out here and now we have a whole year to study up and scout. There are a lot of resources about rocky mountain elk but very few if any about Roosevelt elk. They seem to require a different set of skills to some degree so if anyone knows of a good resource, I'm all ears. We were so busy slogging through the jungle that I didn't take the time to take many pictures. I might get out for another weekend before the season's over but if not there's always next year.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 01:24:20 am by Weylin »

Offline steve b.

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2013, 11:23:02 pm »
Good for you, Weylin.  That's pretty good action for your first time.  If Bryce was a better caller you probably would have scored.  Once again, he disappoints. 

I went to that same spot yesterday and found the same tortuous jungle and steep hills.  I was just scouting, with the dog, no bow, and found little sign and it was too hot for me, so I took off.  But where there is jungle, there is elk, so I know its a good area given enough scouting to figure out what the animals are doing.

I'm waiting another week or so then trying again.........................

Offline Weylin

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2013, 11:53:13 pm »
Thanks steve. I'm not sure exactly what constitutes a good caller yet but Bryce definitely gets an 'A' for effort. Too bad you didn't stop by to say hello, but I guess we were pretty busy that day except for a short break. Good luck with your hunt, there's definitely elk in there.

Offline Bryce

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2013, 02:45:47 am »
Steve, your just jealous! You wish your bugles and estrus calls sounded as real as mine lol.
I think those bulls moved out through the morning and over the ridge by the afternoon.
Haven't heard any bugeling through the evening so it's still pretty early.

Weylin, two guys just got busted up there for shooting a 3x4 and a cow elk with rifles. They had bows as a cover story but they're now facing charges.
And I hit a deer with my truck. That was a weird night leaving.
Persistance, that's what it takes for early archery season. That or baiting lol even then, no sure thing.
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Weylin

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2013, 11:04:21 am »
Yeah, I don't think they were around, either.

That' s bummer about the deer. Did it mess up your truck at all?

How did those poachers get busted, did someone report them?

Offline steve b.

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2013, 11:09:24 am »
Yea, but no one can crow call like me. :P  If we were lost and starving I'd be eating crow and you'd be wishing you were me. O:)

Offline Bryce

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2013, 12:34:01 pm »
Nah I just knocked it about 20 yards! Got up and walked away.

Yeah state troopers where waiting for them at the main road.

Steve your crow call is fantastic, BUT! I'll be eating my fat juicey squirrel meat:)
Clatskanie, Oregon


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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2013, 12:38:41 pm »
Id let you call elk for me anytime Brycey boy! Then Id steal all your yew while your back was turned, you cant trust me.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Bryce

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2013, 02:27:26 am »
Had two nice fat cows walk right up to me this evening. I let them get within range and as soon as I drew....gone! Like lightning.
Can't seem to catch a break. Oh well this is the second time I've seen her in 3 days she'll be back and I'll be waiting.
When you getting back out weylin?
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Weylin

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2013, 11:27:03 am »
Oh man! That's rough.  :-\  I don't know if I will get back out. The school year's started and we're super busy. I might be able to sneak out for another weekend but no guarantee.

Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2013, 06:36:57 pm »
welcome to  ELK university ;D they will continue to school you even after you think you got them figured out. My weekend went pretty well, were into elk everyday, either seeing or hearing them take off. no bugling though and mostly small groups of cows and calves, had one cow 60 yds downhill, didnt come closer, need some cooler weather for sure. we hunted silvies unit. saw some nice bucks but no shots.

Offline Bryce

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2013, 07:24:49 pm »
Oh yeah. When you think you got em. They drop off the grid.
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Weylin

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2013, 01:23:53 am »
Well, thanks to Gordon I managed to get back out for the last weekend of the season. He let me join him at his spot out near the coast. We had an action packed day and were in elk almost the whole time. We were walking along, following a fresh trail when we heard a twig break in the woods off the path. We quickly set up and Gordon gave a quick cow call. The forest right near me erupted and a herd of 10-15 elk thundered away and crashed across the small river. Dang, we just got too close before we knew they were there but it sure did get my heart pumping.

We stayed in the area and looked for more fresh sign and soon enough we were surrounded by churned up trails and juicy droppings. We set up again and Gordon started calling. We got a distant bugle in response and started to shift our position but before we got a few steps there was another, much closer bugle from behind us. We set up for the closer bull and started talking to him. It took him about an hour to work his way closer to us. He got closer and closer with each bugle and finally I could hear him crashing through the under brush. But instead of coming straight for Gordon like we had hoped he might instead he began to circle wide and around. Eventually I saw him as he walked down to the creek to cross to the other side. He was a big bull with a rack of antlers that towered impossibly high over his head. I was entranced as I watched him splash across the creek and up the bank to the other side. I was still as a statue until he finally turned and started heading right for Gordon. My position wasn't ideal anymore because of his circuitous route but once he passed behind a giant tree I was able to adjust and raise my bow. All he needed to do was step past that tree and I'd have a 20 yard broadside shot. A little closer, a little closer and then I heard him stop. He was staring right at Gordon, obviously wondering where all the elk were that had just been making all that racket. He didn't bust us but he wasn't stupid either, he know something was fishy and he probably felt like he'd been away from his cows for too long so he just turned around and slowly made his way back where he'd come from.

We gave them a little break and came back later to see if we could coax him out again but after a few bugles he clammed up. Our plan was to come back Sunday morning and give him another chance. We camped for the night but awoke to a hard soaking rain and threat of a storm that kept us from going back out. Ah well, there's always next year. I learned a ton both from Bryce and from Gordon and that was worth as much or more as some meat in the freezer. I'm definitely hooked.

Offline Bryce

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon (updated)
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2013, 03:00:02 am »
Oh yeah that bull has been around the block. He circled trying to get your scent.
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Badly Bent

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Re: Roosevelt Elk hunt in Western Oregon (updated)
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2013, 08:53:47 am »
I'd say you two put a good hunt in on those elk, so close on that bull. Sounds like you guys did every thing you
could to fill your tag. Too bad it rained out your last day, like any time when your hunting that next day is sometimes all you need to make magic happen. Just the same though that must been real exciting. Go get em' next year Weylin.
I ain't broke but I'm badly bent.