I'm after an island in the Carribean I can stock with wild goats, turkeys, Fallow deer and Sanbar deer. When it gets to hot to hunt it's time to go after lobsters for lunch or spear fish some Snappers.
And, yea, , the hammock between the two palm trees. 
Say, why are all the ants moving inland, and the wind has stopped, and the sky is getting dark, and why are all the birds gone, and all the goats are all up in the higher elevations? Hmmmm, better check the barometer!
I always wanted a lot of land out west. A mountain actually. But I have 5.8 acres surrounded by mountains, and lakes, and rivers, and creeks, and loads of deer, turkey, one Stellars' Jay one lone grouse,an occasional mountain lion, and a bear or two, half a mile from the national forest, 1 1/2 miles from a water fall, about 7 or eight miles from town. No bow wood on my property, but there is some Mountain Maple not far in the mountains. Oh, and lots of huckleberries! I am close to a mountain, that is covered with Huckle Berry bushes! So I guess I am happy with that. ; Now if I can just sell this house, and get back out to it!