No! I will not go gator hunting in a kayak! I want to be way above them, not eye to eye.
I don't even want to just be in and amongst them in a kayak! Pretty cool! Oh, Eddie, speaking of Cara Cara's , I was talking to Tim Falter, and guess who came by his station, seeking information about who owned the property behind the station, which has had a nesting pair of Cara Cara's for some time? Joe Hutto! Tim didn't recognize him at first, but when he handed him his card, and it had his picture with a turkey sitting on his head, he immediately said "You're the Turkey guy!" Sure enough it was him, and they talked for awhile. He wants to do some photography on the Cara Cara's. He said they are very endangered. Never knew they were endangered, just protected, as I see them all the time around Okeechobee, and on SR 60.
Great Video PT! Thanks.