That's a beauty!
Pat - I don't mind doing horn nocks. Just gotta get mating edges close before gluing on, then I switch to a single edge razor blade to scrape them down. I protect the wood with tape until I'm almost there, then most of my blending is done with foam nail buffer boards. By your own. Don't steal from the wife!
Thanks yall!

The part that gets me is the drilling. I have a good drill bit, but it is easy for some reason for me to screw up the drilling part. I use a hand drill, maybe if I used a drill press it would be better I think? I want to get one anyway to use with a sanding drum... I tried to drill out like 10 at once the other day, and screwed a bunch of em up... I have to go slow and concentrate when I do it to get it right. I have been using a round file my wife got me at a antique store to blend em, it works
great. It has a pointed tip on the end, which really gets in there without scratching the edges. I use it for all kinds of things, I love it. It is probably my second favorite file, after my farriers rasp.