Yea... Well, about that stave...
I decided heck, why not...
Made its sister stave into a #25@26" bow... It has a stiff handle(but measured 48" NTN), I heated some reflex into it with a torch, so net total of 1" of set(from 3" reflex, so 4" set). but man, ITS FAST! The tips are only 1/4" wide!!!!! Mid limb on the top limb is 2 1/4, bottom is 2". Its quite cool.
It does look like a piece of carp though. I intend to make it pretty tommorow... And Ill post pics of it(maybe even while on vacation!). And Ill get to distance shoot it on a beach

Thanks for advice. The origional stave in the pics is still untouched... and it will stay that way until I get back.
I did cut the handle down to the same thickness as the rest on the original stave.
So I am going for a bendy handle. I have done that 4 times without breaking.
Shouldn't be hard.
Thanks for the advice guys!