Well, it was an experiment.
I had this 3/4" by 3/4"/46" board sitting in the corner of the shop. I decided to do something with it--so I made a kid's molly bow!

it's 24 lbs @ 25" but....this is the special part.
That unfletched arrow shaft with the bodkin point is 32" from the nock to the base of the bodkin.
And somehow I am able to draw the bow all the way to 32 without breaking it..!!??

the levers are both 6.5", and the handle area is 5" stiff.
it's great fun shooting that unfletched 1/4 lb shaft off this bow and watching it fly in this great arc...I am drawing it 32" and shooting at almost a 30 degree angle to hit the mark at 20 yards!!