Well I'll be damned!

That looks like a bow to me, I believe we have a bowyer here!
If I can give you some
constructive criticism for future bows (please don't take this the wrong way) - you may want to spend a little more time on the finishing details. For example, all of the edges on both the belly and back appear to be rather square, which will concentrate a lot of stress right where you don't want it - along the edges. Even a slight radius on the corners will help concentrate the stress more evenly. Also there are some pretty deep gouges from the bandsaw just out of the fades. These can easily be removed with a file or scraper. You want to have a nice smooth transition from the handle into the limbs.
Also, if you are struggling to get to full draw, make yourself a lighter bow to build your strength up. There is no sense in practising technique with a bow that won't allow you to consistently hit the same anchor point. Start with something you can handle confortably.
But all in all, not too shabby for a first self-made bow. Keep going - you will learn something from each bow you make.