Author Topic: Looking to trade for "Shoot a Real Bow" bumper sticker by Bowyers Journal  (Read 3228 times)

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Offline dinorocks

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Looking to trade for "Shoot a Real Bow" bumper sticker by Bowyers Journal.  This bumper sticker out lasted my old truck...I have a new truck and trying to find a "new" bumper sticker.  I got my original sticker from Brian Halbleib at the Traditional Expo in Wheeling many years ago.  The Bowyers Journal site does not appear to be active.

For trade I have sinew, dogbane, red dogwood shafts, steel blunts of various types, turkey feathers, and some other odds and ends depending on what you are looking for.



dinorocks at

PS. I ran spell check before I posted this topic and "Bowyer" is not in the Primitive Archer dictionary...the name of the company I work for is not in my work email spell check dictionary either...go figure!  :-)
"Speedy arrow, sharp and narrow"  GD

Offline M-P

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Dinorocks,  Sorry I can't help.  I will point out that 3 rivers sells a "Primitive Archer" window sticker.   Ron
"A man should make his own arrows."   Omaha proverb   

"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."    Will Rogers

Offline mullet

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Chris Cade, " mechslasher" has shirts and stickers that say "Primitive Archer, putting stone to the bone", with a stone point mounted on the arrow in the center, also.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Ozzy

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I have a vinyl plotter and can make what ever you want pm me

Offline 4dog

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Ozzy ,ya could make up a window sticker saying , REAL MEN , SHOOT REAL BOWS,, maybe have a selfbow underneath it or something , i would grab a couple,, lol
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Offline bubby

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mullet has mechslasher got a link to a site or can I just pm him about his shirts and stuff
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
The few the proud the 27🏹

Offline Ozzy

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Yep I could let me get something put together

Offline 4dog

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Cool >:D >:D >:D >:D
"SET" is always there !!!

Offline Dances with squirrels

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I just saw one of those TBJ stickers "Shoot A Real Bow" in my shop a week or two ago... in a box on one of my work benches. I'll look when I get home. No promises though... it's like the Bermuda Triangle in there right now :o
Straight wood may make a better bow, but crooked wood makes a better bowyer

Offline Dances with squirrels

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Did some cleaning in the shop today and found the sticker you're looking for. It's a little curled but should be ok. I'll put some weight on it to flatten it. Give me your address and I'll drop it in the mail.

Brian is a good friend of mine and lives about a half hour from me. I'll ask him if he's got any more.
Straight wood may make a better bow, but crooked wood makes a better bowyer

Offline dinorocks

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Thanks Dances with Squirrels!  If you would be interested in parting with your sticker, please let me know what I can send you in return!  I tried sending a PM but cannot tell if it made it to you.

My mailing address is

Dino Zack
110 Peppermint Road
Lancaster, NY 14086

Thanks so much!!
"Speedy arrow, sharp and narrow"  GD