Thanks for the compliments Marius and Justin, we try our best to help out. This year there are four of us dedicated pretty much full time to helping with the Self Bow Challenge. Anthony, Jeff, Pappy and myself. As Pappy said, he is apt to get called away alot helping supply the glue that holds the entire event together...and besides, Pappy is good at spreading around that southern hospitality us southerners are so famous for.

We would appreciate any help you folks would like to give, but mainly we want you to enjoy yourselfs!

We haven't priced any of the staves we have yet, still in the process of getting them ready. We plan to have them in the form of roughed in bows with propellar mostly if not completely removed and some reflex...ready for tillering. I expect they will be in the neighborhood of between 35-50 bucks...just guessing. We plan to make them mostly 68" pyramid style due to easier tillering. We will have some for kids shorter of course. We will have tillering strings, bow stringers, and some bow strings for sale while they last. We have thought about selling everything mentioned including a scrapper as a kit, but haven't decided that either. There will be vendors also that will have most anything you want.
Gary Davis will be here again this year with a good supply of osage stave for sell. Gary does help support anyone purchasing a stave from him through the bow making process during the weekend.
We would appreciate everyone making a bow to sign up for the Self Bow Challenge/Shoot, because that is the only way the club makes money from the Self Bow Challenge portion of the entire event. The club only has a membership of 25(and not every member is active), so allowing four of us full time to the bow making does keep us from helping support everything else that is going on. What is earned from selling staves/strings and the like is what we put back into the bow making throughout the year. Purchasing tools, bandsaw blades, the new awning that we will have in use for added bow making area, etc. We're planning to purchase a log splitter this year, and if you've seen all the firewood we go through, you know why.

Might be able to split hickory and osage logs also, we'll see.
Any of you that can bring your own equipment, we encourage you to do so. We have quite a bit, but the Challenge is getting larger each year as well. We really are looking forward to this years event and seeing a lot of you that came last year as well as meeting some new PA members!