I arrived at my office the other day and was caught off guard by all the "chaff" swirling around in the air near my door. After closing the door to my truck I began to realize they were alive and then quickly I determined BEES!! "How cool," I thought. No way I was letting the opportunity slip by, so I stood and waited and sure enough they started landing on a pine tree just a couple feet off the ground. I called animal control and got the number of the local swarm master and be was there in 10 minutes.

We stood around talkin about the situation while he was setting up a temp capture hive an cutting the limbs and laying them on the top and front of the box. He said he captures them often this time of year and really wanted me to have this swarm if I wants them. The more we talked, it turns out that he might be interested in a trade - bow for frames and a super...

Been trying to talk the little lady into a bee venture anyway. This might just be the right time!